automatic reply example

120 Professional Automatic Reply Example When Out Of Office For Vacation, Holiday Or Leave

Your inbox is empty, and you have completed everything on your to-do list.

Now, there is one more thing to do before you leave work for any period, whether it’s for a day, a quick escape during a long weekend, or a few blissful weeks of summer vacation: Create and turn on an auto-response system (and likely, for some other communication channels you use for work, too).

When you don’t bother to produce an auto-response or it is vague or lacking, it can lead to issues both while you’re away and when you return.

For instance, your office coworkers and clients may send you several emails if you don’t specify the precise dates you’ll be away, filling your inbox and making it harder for you to catch up when you return.

Additionally, if you don’t include the contact information for employees who will cover for you while you’re away, you risk unintentionally derailing ongoing projects at the business or failing to provide help to important clients.

What therefore is required to produce a successful auto-response?

In this article, we have provided automatic reply example ideas for your perusal.

Feel free to tweak any automatic reply example you have chosen from the list.

Also, the automatic reply example templates given stretch across different peculiar situations so you won’t be stuck in any situation.

Now, don’t wait too long. Keep reading.

Automatic Reply Example

Select one automatic reply example from the list below based on what you think will work best for you, your business, or your organization.

1. Your message has been received. Right now, I’m unavailable. But your messages have been automatically forwarded to a team member. Expect a response soon.

2. Welcome to my inbox. I apologize I won’t be able to attend to you. I’m unavailable between the 3rd and 4th of this month. Reach out to (name) via (email) for your publishing questions.

3. I’m glad you contacted me. One of our representatives will contact you in two minutes. Be expectant.

4. I’m currently absent. Nevertheless, check out my listings if you need help. My robot will attend to you.

5. Hi there. If you’re seeing this, then I’m not online. If you need to talk to me, click this email and someone will respond to you.

6. Hey, you! You are welcome. I’ll try to respond as soon as I can. While you patiently wait, see this link for more information. I’ve worked hard on this, and you may find an answer to your question. Thank you.

7. Hi! I want you to know that your message has been received. I’ll reach out to you before the day ends.

8. Thank you for your mail. Expect my response within the day.

9. Hi there! I’m busier than usual at this time. I’ll get back to you soon.

10. Thanks for the message. I’ve closed work already, but I’ll respond in the morning.

Related Post: Appreciation Messages For Team Member

Professional Out Of Office Message Example

Here are some Professional out of office message example suitable for customers and coworkers that are unique and professional.

1. Thank you for your message. I won’t be in the office between November 1- 7. If you need help, contact (name) at (email and contact address)

2. I won’t be available for the next two weeks. If any urgent issue pops up, contact (name) at (email and contact address.

3. Thanks for reaching out. I’m currently unavailable, and I won’t be checking my email any time soon till November 26. If you need urgent attention to anything, (name) is there for you. Call her at (phone number)

4. Your message will be read on Monday. I’m currently away from the office attending to some urgent matters. If your request is related to the project, reach out to Sandra on _. If not, kindly hold on till I get back.

5. Hello. I’m on a 30-day break. So, I’m unable to read or respond to your message. If it’s serious, connect to me here. (Insert link)

6. I am currently at an event and won’t be answering emails until my return. If you need assistance on that project, I have attached some documents to the mail for your perusal. If you need an explanation, connect to me through _.

7. Hello, I’m currently at a conference in Washington. But I’ll make sure to check my inbox periodically. Here’s my assistant’s contact if you need help with anything.

8. Your message has been received. I will not be at my desk between 8 and 11 am today. I will respond to your message when I return.

9. Thanks for messaging me. I am currently far from my email, but I will attend to it as soon as I can. For any serious information, call my line here.

10. Thank you for messaging me. Right now, I have no access to my messages. If the matter is of utmost importance, click here to connect to my representative. She will attend to your inquiry.

Related Post: Apology Messages For The Inconveniences

The Best And Simple Out Of Office Message

It’s acceptable that we don’t always have the time or creativity to be clever or inventive.

However, a good auto-response should be simple enough to let the sender know that you will be away from the office and when they may anticipate a response.

Here are some of the best and simple out of office message you can use.

1. I received your message. Sadly, I’m not available at the moment. Do contact _ using this link by _ if you’ve not received a response to your message.

2. Hi there! If you’re seeing this message, know that I’m nowhere near my laptop till Thursday. If it’s relevant, feel free to call the phone number attached to this message.

3. Thank you for the email. I have received it and soon, I’ll send feedback. Thank you for your patience.

4. Your message is resting in my inbox. That’s why you’re reading this. I will be able to respond in two days. Reach out to our Sales Rep at _ to make your inquiries.

5. Greetings! I appreciate your email. However, I don’t have the time to respond to it because I won’t be here till December 4th. For any urgent information, tap here to be assigned a consultant.

Related Post: Samples Of Have A Nice Holiday Messages

I Am Currently On Leave Message

Are you on leave? It’s necessary to inform your colleagues or clients of your departure.

Below are some templates you can tweak if you want to send a i am currently on leave message.

1. Hello, I’m not in the office at the moment. I am on leave so I can have my wedding. I’ll make sure to return your calls and emails in the order they were sent once I’ve resumed. Thank you.

2. Hey there! Thank you for sending this mail. Sadly, I’m on sick leave till (date). If you have something urgent to discuss, forward this mail to _. S/he responds to you quickly.

3. Thanks for your mail. I’m sure it’s a juicy one. I would have answered at once but I’m currently on leave. Rest assured I will reply to you on my return.

4. Hello, I hope your week is going well. I’m on a short leave for a medical checkup. I will return on _. If you can’t wait, call the number below this email.

5. Thanks for messaging me. I’m on leave at the moment. Expect a response from next week Monday. Thanks for your patience.

6. Hi there! I am sorry I won’t be able to answer your email. I’m on annual leave at the moment and this inbox is out of my hands. Please connect with _ for your inquiries.

7. Thanks for your message. I’m having a family emergency so I’m on leave. Meanwhile, here’s my manager’s email. Reach out to him or her about any issue. Thank you.

8. Hello. Your message is sitting in my inbox. Sadly, I’m off to attend to some medical issues that demand my attention. You can either hold on till I return or reach out to the team lead for any assistance. Here’s her contact.

9. Oops! Your mail will not be responded to at the moment. I’m on extended leave and that means no response for a while. However, the supervisor is aware so you can contact him via _. My kind regards.

10. Hello there! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to reply to you soon. I’ll be away for a long time. However, if you have any important message for me, reach out to this email with the heading ‘URGENT’. Thanks.

Out Of Office Message Examples Delayed Response

Sometimes, work demands that you step out of the office for a while. Use any of these out of office message examples delayed response ideas to cover up for your absence from your mailbox.

1. Hello! I won’t be in the office till Tuesday 14th. This means I won’t be able to answer your messages. But you don’t have to wait if it’s important. Reach out to the company hotline here _ and you’ll be attended to in seconds. Thanks for your understanding.

2. Hi there. Your messages will be delayed till September 7th. You can reach me on _ if you have any pressing issue you need me to attend to.

3. Hello! I’m sorry I’m not present to respond right now. I will return by _. Meanwhile, you can send in further details while you wait.

4. Hello! Between _ and _, I have disassociated myself from work-related activities. _ is available to help you. Connect to her here _.

5. Hi there! I’m sorry you won’t be getting a response today. I’m far from my inbox until tomorrow. Do exercise some patience but if you can’t, fill out the form attached and someone will attend to you.

6. Hello! It’s the weekend and that means no work emails. I’ll respond to your messages on Monday. Send in your inquiries through the complaint channels. Here’s the link _.

7. Hello, I’ll be answering emails from home because I’ve caught the bug. However, there won’t be quick responses to your mail as usual. If There’s anything urgent you want to know, reach out to me here_.

8. I’m currently in a meeting so I won’t be able to respond to your message. Do hold on till 4 pm when I return. If not, contact my assistant on _. Thank you.

9. Hello, I’m at a launch so there will be some delay in responding to your mail. Meanwhile, I’ll be checking my email periodically. If yours is attention, send it with the subject line ‘ATTENTION’. Otherwise, hold on till evening. Thank you.

10. Hi, I just stepped out of the office for a quick lunch. I’ll be back in an hour to email you a response. Thank you for understanding.

Simple Out Of Office Message For One Day

If you’ll be away from the office for a day, send a simple out of office message for one day from the ideas below.

1. Your email is in good hands. However, I’m only away from the office for 24 hours. I will return tomorrow. If you have an interest in my product, check out these links.

2. Thanks for your mail. I’m currently away from work for a day and a half. By _, I will be back. Expect a response then.

3. Hello! Your mail has been received. I’ve had a long week and I’m off work today. As soon as I resume work, I’ll answer your mail. Thanks for understanding.

4. Hey there! If you’re seeing this, know that I’m off for a day. I’ll respond to your message tomorrow. Have a great day!

5. Thanks for your email. It’s currently in the queue. You’re in 2nd place. Expect a reply before noon tomorrow.

6. Hello! I would have loved to give you a fast reply but that’s impossible because I’m away from the day. Expect my response tomorrow.

7. I just stepped out of my workstation. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow morning. Please be patient.

8. Sorry! I’m out for the day. Reach out to _ concerning urgent matters. Thank you.

9. I’m taking the day off. Send pressing emails to _. Thank you.

10. Hey there! This is Rosa bot. _ will not be available today. Contact _ for service-related issues.

Auto Reply Email Template

We’ve created some autoresponder email messages specifically for you, so you don’t have to plan your message from scratch. To swiftly get it out of your head, copy and paste one of these auto reply email template.

1. To:



I’ve received your mail, but I’m far away from my inbox right now. If you need quick attention, click here to be assigned some help.

By the way, we have a new letter where we sent fresh content straight to your inbox. If you’re interested, click here.

I’ll treat your message ASAP on my return.

Kind regards,

Sender’s name

2. To:



I apologize that I’m away from the office right now. But our freebies never have a day off. Click here for a free ebook.

Meanwhile, expect feedback in a couple of hours.

My regards,

Sender’s name.

3. To:



I’m unavailable at the moment, but not for long. I’ll be back before you know it. But don’t leave, here is a checklist with products 50% off the original price.

Indulge til I return.

Kind regards,

Sender’s name

4. To:



I’m currently hosting a live event at _. Will you be there too? If so, let’s connect.

If your message is urgent, you’ll get a response in less than a minute. If not, do hold on till my return.

Have a lovely day.

Sender’s name

5. To:



I’m on holiday from _ to _. If you have questions, reach out here. But if your message isn’t sensitive, do resend it when I’m available again.

Thank you

Yours faithfully,

Sender’s name

Thank You For Your Email Auto Response Example

Boost your relationship with your recipient by setting up an automatic thank you auto response.

See the following thank you for your email auto response example to get started:

1. Thanks for the mail. This is my bot responding. I’ll get back to you in an hour.

2. Email received. _ is currently away. Contact will be inconsistent till _. Hold on till _ for feedback.

3. Thank you for sending me this mail. I’m at a book launch right now. Send important queries to _.

4. I’m glad you got in touch with me. I can’t answer you at the moment, but check out this FAQ checklist.

5. I appreciate your email. It’s important to me. I’ll respond to it soon.

6. Thanks for the mail. I’m in a session right now. I’ll email you when I’m done.

7. I’m happy to receive your mail. I’ll reach out in a minute or two.

8. Dear you, thank you for contacting me. I empathize with your inconvenience. A phone call will be made to you before the end of the day. Thank you for your patience.

9. This is to confirm the receipt of your email. It’s receiving the necessary attention, and you will get feedback within 10 hours. Thank you.

Out Of Office Message Sample For Vacation

If you want to disconnect and rejuvenate, you must take a vacation. Plan an out of office message sample for vacation to make the most of your spare time.

1. Hello, I’m currently having the vacation of my life. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a jiffy but in the meantime, send any questions you have to _. We can talk better about your questions on my return. With love.

2. Oh my! I just got my work wrapped up so I could go on vacation till Wednesday. If you can hold on till then, good. If not, send any urgent message to _. I promise you’ll be well taken care of. Thanks.

3. Greetings from the Bahamas. Yes, that’s where I’m currently vacationing. I have zero access to my devices. If you can find me here, sweet! Otherwise, email _ or _ for your inquiries. My regards.

4. Hello there, I’m curious about another country so you won’t get any other reply from me. Sadly, I left my inbox at the office, but I’ll join you again once I resume in two days. See you then.

5. Thanks for reaching me but oops! I’m in Miami enjoying the cool beach water. If you need me urgently, I’m unavailable. If it’s too urgent, _ is available for you. Reach _ on _. You’ll be treated right.

6. Oh dear, you’ve missed me. I’ve taken a short vacation and won’t return till _. Check out this snapshot (insert a picture showing your vacation fun). But if the matter demands urgency, contact _. S/he will address it promptly pending my return. My regards.

7. Hello, your email has been received. Right now, I’m in one of the sunniest cities in the world. So, I’ll be basking in the sunshine between _ and _. If your email needs a quick response, call this number (insert number). If not, hold on for my response when I’m back. Thank you.

8. Hi there, thank you for emailing me. But I can’t read it right now since I’m on a vacation. Do send your mail to _ for assistance. Thank you.

9. Hello, I won’t be responding to emails between _ and _. In the meantime, a team member is on the seat to attend to you. Reach out to him via _. If your inquiries are non-urgent, contact the tech department on _. Thank you.

10. Thank you for getting in touch with me. However, I will be absent from work for the next ten days. Here’s my phone number for urgent information only. (Insert phone number). For less urgent inquiries, wait till I resume work on _.

Automatic Reply Outlook Example

If you have an outlook account, it’s prudent to set up automatic messages for any forthcoming mails.

Pick an automatic reply outlook example from the list below:

1. Your message is appreciated. But I’m not in the office at the moment. Instead, I’ve gone to a 2-day conference in Dubai. My access to my inbox is limited. Please bear with me till I return. Thank you.

2. The thing is: I’m not in the office. Precisely on a vacation. But, I’ll be back next Tuesday. I’ll catch up with your messages on Monday. If you need someone, click here. Stay well.

3. Hello! Your mail was delivered successfully. But I’m not here to read it. Contact _ for help in the meantime. But if you can wait, I’ll respond to you as soon as I return.

4. Hi there! I’m currently indisposed. If it’s too important to ignore, call _ and you’ll be attended to in minutes. Thank you.

5. I’ve received your message. Right now, I’m disconnected from my devices. _ is temporarily working on my behalf. Connect here. Thanks for understanding.

Please Expect A Delay In My Response To Your Email

You won’t always be available to send a quick response to the emails in your inbox. It’s always important to send a please expect a delay in my response to your email message to avoid keeping the other party waiting.

Check the examples below for ideas.

1. Hello friends, I’ll be taking some time out of work tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated about my absence. Have a wonderful month.

2. Please expect a two-day delay in response to your email. I’m out of town for a trip and I will return on _. If you can’t wait, reach out to _. Thanks for your patience.

3. I’m grateful for your email. However, I won’t be able to check any emails till Friday. Still, I will be present on _ to address every email. Please bear with me.

4. I’m away on a business trip at the moment so expect a delay in answering this mail. If you’re requesting information on the report, here’s my colleague’s mail (mail address). Thanks.

5. Your mail is safely received. Right now, I’m having an appointment. Do hold on till _ for a response. Thank you.

Out Of Office Message Leaving Company

Both commercial businesses and governmental organizations experience frequent employee firings and resignations.

If you’re leaving a company, it’s important to make an out-of-office email for your email address or set up an auto-reply for a former employee’s email account.

Here are some out of office message leaving company examples to guide you.

1. Hello, thanks for your message. Unfortunately, as at _, I no longer work with this company. This means your inquiries will not be responded to by me. Henceforth, send your messages to _. Thanks for your understanding.

2. Hi there, your message has been received but sadly, I won’t be responding to it. I no longer have a professional relationship with this company. However, your message has been automatically forwarded to _. _ will be happy to respond to you. Kind regards.

3. Hello. Your message has landed in the wrong inbox. I’m no longer an employee of this company. Do send your message to _. You’ll get a response soon, I assure you. Do have a wonderful day.

4. I got your message successfully. But I have sad news. From _, I won’t be working with (company name). If you have pressing questions about the deals, message _ here. For general inquiries, message _.

5. Hi there, your message will not be handled by me. I am no longer affiliated with _. This inbox will be handled by _. You can reach out to me personally on _.

6. Hello, thank you for attempting to connect with me today but I’m unavailable to use this email because I don’t work with this organization anymore. For further assistance, reach out to _. Thanks and goodbye.

7. Hi _, thanks for your mail. However, I am no longer a member of this company. Let your inquiries be directed to _ henceforth. Thanks for understanding.

8. _ is not affiliated with (organization). Emails sent here are automatically forwarded to _. For any questions, send a mail to _ or call _. Thank you.

9. _ is not a staff of this company anymore. According to our company’s policy, any message sent to her inbox will be deleted automatically in 5 minutes. Do send your messages to the Managing Director at _.

10. Thanks for your mail. The former owner is now retired. If you need to reach out to him or her, click here. Also, note that this mail address will not be monitored.

Out Of The Office On Vacation Message

1. “Hey there! Just wanted to let you know, I’m currently on vacation and may be a bit slow to respond. Catch you when I’m back!”

2. “Hello! I hope this message finds you well. Just a quick heads up that I’m on vacation at the moment, so my responses might be a tad delayed. Talk to you soon!”

3. “Hi! Taking a break from the daily grind right now – I’m on vacation. If it’s urgent, feel free to leave me a message, and I’ll get back to you when I’m back in town.”

4. “Hey! I wanted to share the good news – I’m on vacation! If you need me, I’ll do my best to get back to you when I can. Thanks for understanding!”

5. “Greetings! Currently out of the office and enjoying some vacation time. If your message isn’t urgent, I’ll catch up with you when I return. Cheers!”

6. “Hello from [vacation destination]! Just a quick note to inform you that I’m on vacation and might not be as reachable as usual. Looking forward to reconnecting soon!”

7. “Hi! Escaped to a little paradise for a while. I’m on vacation, so my response time may be slower. Let me know if there’s anything pressing, and I’ll get back to you when I can.”

8. “Greetings! I’m currently away on vacation, enjoying some much-needed downtime. If your message can wait, I’ll be sure to respond when I’m back. Thanks for your understanding!”

9. “Hey! Quick heads up – I’m on vacation and may not be checking messages as frequently. If it’s urgent, please bear with me, and I’ll catch up with you soon.”

10. “Hello! Just a friendly notice: I’m on vacation, soaking up some sun and relaxation. If you have any non-urgent matters, I’ll address them upon my return. Take care!”

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Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.

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