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70 Prayer Quotes : God Please Help Me Through This Difficult Time

In the intricate tapestry of our lives, we often encounter moments of profound challenge and adversity that test the very core of our being. When the road ahead seems steep and the burdens too heavy to bear, many turn to a source of unwavering strength—their faith.

In times of difficulty, there exists a timeless practice that transcends the boundaries of cultures and beliefs: asking God for help.

Whether you find solace in the serenity of a quiet chapel, the majesty of nature, or the sanctity of your own thoughts, the act of seeking divine guidance can provide a profound anchor in the midst of life’s storms.

Life comes with its ups and downs, it’s good and bad times. When things are not going the way you planned, life challenges seem so tough, and things seem so difficult; your heart-cry during these situations is nothing far from ” God please help me through this difficult time. ”

Whatever the case may be, are you grieving over the death of a loved one, depressed, need comfort, facing uncertainties, are worried or suffering loss, need help or guidance; these God please help me through this difficult time prayers will help you put words together to properly communicate to God.

No matter the situation, Our God is bigger!

How To Pray For Help From God

At several times in our lives, we are in dire need of God’s help. In these periods, it may seem that God is far away from us, and we can’t reach Him. That’s not true; anytime we pray for Help from God, He’ll always be there to answer; because His ears are ever open to our cry.

Now, to know how to pray for help from God is nothing difficult, and there are no strict rules to prayers other than communicating and pouring your heart to the Lord, and then believe that He’ll come through for you.

There is no better time to pray, than to start now. It’s as simple as crying out, God, please help me through this difficult time.

Whenever you have a burden or feel discouraged, instead of concentrating on the issues, simply turn to prayer and ask God to help you come out of that situation. He’s a loving Father and you can rest assured that He’ll hear and answer you.

Also, beginning your day with prayer is a wise decision. Waking up in the morning, your thoughts may wander to all the things you have to tackle and handle during the day, but starting each day with prayer can help bring your heart to focus on the help from God instead of the trials that come with the day.

The fact is, sometimes we know we need God’s help, but we just don’t know how to pray. The following subheadings will give you a wonderful guide on how to pray for help from God on some specific issues and your family, friends, and loved ones.

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Prayer For Divine Intervention

The idea of divine intervention is a recurring theme in the Bible. All through scriptures, we see how God shows up for His people and those that trust in Him. Divine intervention is when God is fully involved to bring victory to every battle we are facing.

The only way we can experience this is through prayer. Prayer for divine intervention is therefore very paramount to us as believers in ensuring daily victory in difficult times through the help of God.

1. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for your promise to divinely intervene in all my situations. May your name be highly exalted.

2. I thank You, Jesus, because You are the covenant-keeping God, and your promises of divine intervention are Yes and Amen.

3. Lord, the bible says that You are our present help in trouble. I come to You today, intervene in this situation. We are desperate for your help.

4. You are the God that can make a way where there seems to be no way. We depend on you to divinely intervene today and make a way of deliverance for us.

5. Father, We hope in You. By your divine intervention, turn our lives and circumstances around.

6. God, I pray, like Jabez, and I ask for your intervention. My desire is that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast. Let your favor be with me, and keep me from evil.

7. Lord, I depend on You for intervention in my finances. I depend on You as my provider, and I tap into divine provision in Jesus’ Name

8. Father, in every aspect of my life that I am lacking, please intervene to make me up to where I should be in Jesus’ Name. Amen

9. The Lord of hosts is your name. I pray for your divine intervention, Father. Fight all my battles in Jesus’ Name. Amen

10. Sovereign Lord, I am in despair regarding my situation, but hopeful regarding your mighty power. I ask for divine intervention. Let me see your hand manifested in my life.

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Asking God For Help In Difficult Times

1. “Oh Lord, in the shadows of uncertainty, I humbly seek Your light to guide me through the maze of difficult times.”

2. “Almighty, when the storms of life rage, grant me the strength to weather the challenges and the wisdom to find peace in Your grace.”

3. “In my moments of weakness, I turn to You, God, as my refuge and strength, asking for Your comforting hand to lift me from the depths of despair.”

4. “Heavenly Father, as I navigate the rough seas of adversity, I implore Your divine compass to steer me towards calmer shores.”

5. “God of mercy, in this hour of need, I lay my burdens at Your feet, trusting that Your love will carry me through the darkest valleys.”

6. “Lord, as I face the trials that test my spirit, I lift my voice in prayer, seeking Your divine assistance to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.”

7. “In the silence of my struggles, I call upon Your name, asking for the courage to endure and the faith to believe that brighter days are on the horizon.”

8. “Sovereign God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference in these difficult times.”

9. “Dear God, as I stand at the crossroads of despair, I implore Your guidance to lead me down the path of hope, trusting in Your plan for my life.”

10. “In the depths of my trials, I reach out to You, O Lord, asking for Your comforting presence to be my anchor in the storm and my beacon of hope in times of darkness.”

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Prayer For Help And Guidance

One of the most beautiful things about our God is that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He has told us in Psalms 46:1 that he is our ever-present help in trouble. This means that he is ALWAYS there to help us.

He has also promised us guidance, he never leaves us to ourselves. Psalms 32:8 tells us he will teach us the right path to take. It is worthy of note that God’s plan leads to Joy and satisfaction, and we can rest assured that prayer as simple as “God to please help me in this difficult time” will cause him to respond and act in our favor.

Prayer for help and guidance is needed in our everyday lives, as we cannot do without it. So, whether you’re going through anything that requires special divine guidiance, or for your daily activities; God is interested in holding your hands through the journey of life.

1. Lord, I thank You for your help and guidance. Thank You for the assurance that my prayers are heard and will be answered by You.

2. Father, You are my ever-present help in times of trouble. When it seems like it’s all over, I know You are there. Help me Lord, I pray.

3. Lord Jesus, take away my fear and help me. Give me the inner strength to face these trials and overcome them.

4. Thank You dear Father for your guidance. Thank you because it is always available for those that put their trust in You.

5. Jesus, forgive me for running ahead of you. Help me to be patient for your guidance for I know your plans for me are the best.

6. Father, open my heart and ears to hear from You when you’re speaking to me, that I may not go the wrong way.

7. Father, thank you because we are assured that we can come to the throne of grace for help. Grant me help and guidance this day in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

8. Thank You God for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the guidance and help that He brings. I pray that You help me to rely on your Spirit every day. Amen.

9. Dear Father, I need help today. I need your guidance and direction. Help me to walk according to your will. Amen.

10. Help me and guide me according to your will. Align my thoughts and ideas with yours. Amen.

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God Please Help Me Through This Difficult Time Quotes

1. Your word says your ways and thoughts are higher than ours. Help me to trust in you and not in myself for guidance. I trust in you with all my heart. I do not rely on my understanding.

2. Lord, help me to daily come to you for help and guidance. That in all my choices, your will shall prevail.

3. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of a new day. I ask that today you help and guide me all through my activities. Amen

4. Father, I feel stranded. I feel lost. Help me and give me guidance on what to do and the right choice to make.

5. Dear Father, I spend so much time bothering and thinking about my life and plans. I confess I need your help and guidance. See me through, Lord.

6. Teach me through your Word to depend on you for help and guidance. Help me come to the reality that You are sufficient for me.

7. Lord, guide my heart into your love. In times when I’m confronted with evil, guide me through the storm and help me with a way out in Jesus’ Name.

8. Father, your word says in the book of Isaiah 43:10,13 that you will help me. Fulfill these scriptures in my life in Jesus’ Name. Amen

9. Lord, as your word says, help me to acknowledge you in all my ways, that you may direct my path.

10. Thank You, Lord, because I receive help and I am guided by you daily. Amen

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Prayer For Hope And Healing

It is easy to give up when passing through difficult times. Hope is usually easily lost and then, we plunge into despair. Praying to God to please help you through this difficult time is usually all you can do, as our strength can fail you.

Whatever trouble you may be facing today, it is not more than what Jesus can handle. The dire situation, the illness, the difficult diagnosis you’re trying to accept, He can make a miracle out of it as we pray for hope and healing. Just ask God to please help you through this difficult time. He has done it for many others; your case will not be a different one as he is ever faithful and reliable.

Here are about 20 prayer points that you can pray for hope and healing in any situation.

1. Dear loving Heavenly Father, you are the God of all spirit of all flesh. I thank you because you are the giver of hope and healing, and it is sufficient for everyone.

2. Father, as many whose lives have been affected by sadness, illness, pain, or loss; I pray that they find comfort, hope, and healing. Help them through this difficult time.

3. Lord, I come before you, my heart is broken. Heal my heart. Give me the hope to start again.

4. Lord, I am in a desperate situation. I need your presence. Walk with me in this journey to healing and health.

5. Blessed Lord, I lay before you all my fears and discouragement, shine your light of hope into this darkness, and comfort me on every side.

6. Lord Jesus, I believe in your promises for healing. I believe that putting my hope and trust in your word will bring about a change in my life. Fulfill your word, Lord.

7. Father, give me the positive attitude to wait while you’re working on my healing. Help me to hope patiently for my healing.

8. Lord Jesus, there is nothing impossible for you to do, and this sickness is not an exemption.

9. Lord, I ask you to heal me from this sickness. Only you can do this. I am trusting in you.

10. Heavenly Father, you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You never change. I’ve heard and seen your healing power. Do the same in me, Lord.

11. Blessed Lord, You are the God who performs miracles. Do a miracle in me O God! let hope and healing come to me.

12. I decree and declare a performance of your word concerning my healing. Your word says that all things are possible to them that believeth. I declare that I am healed.

13. Lord Jesus, by faith I touch the hem of your garment for the restoration of my health. I decree that your healing virtue flow through me

14. Father, deliver me from the tendency of worry and anxiety that may lead to unbelief. Show me your power. Amen.

15. Dear Lord, I ask and pray that you heal me through and through. Heal my heart, my mind, and my body in Jesus’ Name.

16. Lord, I bring my mind before you. I am tormented mentally. Bring hope to my life, and healing to my heart. Calm this raging storm in me. Amen.

17. Lord, You are my creator, you know me more than I know myself, you know where I hurt. I come to you for divine dealing today.

18. I thank You because you have told me from Psalms 91:16 that you’ll satisfy me with long life. Thank you for the hope of the scriptures. I am assured that I am standing up from this sickbed hale and hearty because you are going to heal me.

19. Loving Father, I ask for your hope right now and for healing. I promise to testify when it is done.

20. Thank You Father because I believe my health is restored in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Difficult times are not final. We always have the arsenal of prayer to wage war against the enemy and come out victorious.

When all seems confusing and difficult, never forget to turn to God in prayer; even if all you can mutter is God please help me through this difficult time. You can be sure that He’ll come forth for you and give you a testimony.

In case you want me to join you in prayer, you can write to me, or leave a comment below.

I await your testimonies!

Plumcious | chrisawoyale2@gmail.com | chrisawoyale.com | + posts

Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.

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