thanking God for his blessings

Thanking God For His Blessings And Everything : 70 Gratitude Quotes

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s all too easy to overlook the countless blessings that surround us each day. From the warmth of the morning sun to the gentle breeze that whispers through the trees, life’s blessings are often subtle yet profound.

At some point, I have been in a corner where I couldn’t help myself. But, boom! Help came for me. I knew it must have been God. And then, I couldn’t help but show my gratitude to the Lord God, Almighty, who showed up for me.

I am certain that I am not the only one who has experienced that. I believe you have, too. Probably that’s why you need these gratitude quotes to help you in thanking God for his blessings, mercy and love.

Because, I know how it feels, to be in want of words to be used in thanking God for his blessings, and expressing your gratitude to God at such a time as this.

I have thoughtfully pulled out from the ‘deep well’ and carefully crafted these words of gratitude to God almighty; so it can resonate with your desire for the right word, and help you to express your thankfulness as it is in your heart.

I hope, and I am confident that you’ll find any of the following ‘I am grateful quotes’ useful and thank-full.

Thank You Message to God for All the Blessings

It is very important to reminisce on God’s goodness over our lives and express some thank you message to God for all the blessings He had showered on us.

God is the first person we should thank for the good things that happened to us. He is the orchestra of good things and so deserves to be thanked for them. You can Thank God for the gift of life, you should thank him for his boundless love, also for his provision, protection, and care. There are many things God has blessed you with, that you should give God praises for.

Thank him first thing in the morning. Do not forget to appreciate him throughout the day. Even before you go to bed, show your gratitude. Make it a habit to give thanks to God. Even in difficult times, thank him because you know that he will make everything work to your advantage in his infinite wisdom. It would not cost you anything rather it would position your heart to receive more from him.

Here are grateful quotes you can say to God almighty. You can also post it on social media platforms to express your thanks without actually going into details. Make your choice.

1. Even when I do nothing to deserve it, your grace still finds me and showers me with so many blessings. Thank you, Father.

2. During tough times, your praises would not leave my mouth because I know you make everything good in your beautiful time. Thank you Daddy for always working things for me.

3. My life is a living testimony of God’s goodness. His love keeps me glowing. He is always on the lookout for me. I will never cease to give my praise to him.

4. Dear Lord, your love always surprises me. Who am I to receive all your goodness and these many blessings? I am grateful to you, God. Thank you, Lord.

5. From the day I came to this world, you have been there for me, God. Even till now, you have not yet given up on me. Thank you, Father.

6. Every day, your blessing keeps embarrassing me. Words cannot explain how grateful I am, but you know my heart, and that I am grateful.

7. For all the answered prayers, for all the provisions and protections, I say thank you, God. I am full of thanks. Receive my Thanksgiving.

8. When I wake up in the morning, I remember your unending love. I can do but just one thing, I will lift my voice and praise you. Thank you, Daddy.

9. Awesome God, from now till the end of my days, I will always praise your name. Thank you, God.

10. At the dying minute, when all hope was lost, you showed up and proved yourself to be a miracle-working God. Thank you for this miracle, I cannot thank you enough.

11. Dear God, you have been my father and mother, you have always guided me to the right part. Thank you so much, Abba Father.

12. Praise God! He has done it again. You are surely the God of miracles. I bless your name.

13. Abundant blessings, peace like a river, overflowing love, all this, and more has the lord done for me. I will praise his name forever.

14. Every day, the Lord never forgets to bless me. Abundantly, his blessings are all over me. My mouth is filled with testimonies of his goodness. Thank you, Lord.

15. If not for you, where would I have been today, Lord? You are my protector, provider, deliverer, sustenance. You are my complete package, everything I want is in you. Thank you, God.

Related Post: Appreciation Messages To God Almighty

Thanking God For His Blessings: Grateful Quotes to God

Here is a collection of expression to show your gratitude to God for His goodness.

1. In your love I live. In your grace, I move. In your person, I have my being. In your power, I triumph. Thank you, Lord.

2. You have been merciful unto me even in my weaknesses; you have made me extraordinarily strong even through my days of the storm. I am grateful, Lord.

3. Your love for me is beyond measure. My heart is full of gratitude for you alone, and my hands will forever be lifted in appreciation unto you.

4. Words would fail me to express how grateful I am. You’re indescribable and uncontainable. Your loving kindness overwhelms me.

5. Thank you for the sunshine, and the moonlight. Thank you for being the great light when darkness looms. I adore you, Lord Almighty.

6. You have brightened my face again with the dawn of a new day; my faith in you is made stronger. Thank you for being my God, in whom I have absolute confidence.

7. You have done what no man can do. I wish I can worship you the way no man has done. To you alone be my praise, worship, and adoration.

8. For what you have given me, I am grateful. For what you are about to give, I am joyful; and for what you will give me, I am hopeful, Lord. You are my confidence and my surety.

9. In your power I have found strength, and in your love, I have enjoyed warmness. You are everything I could ever ask for. I am grateful Lord, God.

10. Your mercy has been a speaking voice for me when I do not have what to say. My shame have you replaced with fame, and my lack has been swallowed in your abundance. I am grateful, and I will forever be thankful.

11. Beyond my expectations, you have responded to my cry. No words are perfect enough to describe how grateful I am to you, God Almighty.

12. In my moment of happiness, my heart yarns to praise you. In my quiet moments, I will always worship you. All of my moments are for you, Lord. I just want to say thank you, Dear Lord.

13. You have kept me unbowed and unbroken by the storm of life. My mouth is full of songs of praise for you. All creation will never cease to sing your praise.

14. My steps you ordered. My paths you directed. And my life you have made better every day. It took you so much to get me on the right track. Thank you, Lord, for your unending love.

15. My knees bow in worship unto you for you have shown me mercy. And my heart is full of joy. I will enthrone you in my heart.

16. The firmament declares your goodness unto us. Even in our faults, your love is felt stronger. May your name be praised forever.

17. You have rescued me from the uncertainties of life, and my anxieties you have taken away. Now my heart is drawn toward you in reverence. Thank you, Lord.

18. When the enemy came in like a flood, you rescued me by your power. When the frowning face of life stared me on the face, you beckoned on me with a transforming smile. How else can I appreciate you, than to lift my heart in worship.

19. By my God, I ran through the camp of the enemy to a place of rest. By him, I leap over walls to a better place. Thank you for being my fortress and fortitude.

20. In pain, I cried out and you rescued me. In confusion, I Looked up to you, and you point your torch of wisdom on my path. I scaled through because you remain true to your word. I came forth because the comforter never left me alone. To you may all the glory be.

Related Post: Sweet Morning Prayers

Appreciation Message To God Almighty For His Blessings

To appreciate means to place value over any act of goodness. It also means a genuine, positive response of thankfulness for a treatment you felt not entitled to. Oh yes, It can be simple and short as saying ‘I am grateful’. But it must be encapsulated with deep meaning and with the intention of expressing a heart of gratitude.

It is important to recognize the goodness of God and to always appreciate him with the right expressions. Here are some prepared appreciation messages to God Almighty, to help you express your thankfulness, with words that are full of praise and eulogy to your Lord and Savior.

1. The Heavens adore you daily, the earth praises your name and I will always testify of your greatness because you have made my little efforts greater than expected.

2. You have lightened my burdens. You have wiped away my night tears. Your grace has been sufficient for me. Your favor has placed me on a high pedestal of success. I am most grateful, Lord.

3. My appreciation cannot be compared to the numerous acts you have blessed me with. I Am blessed to have you as God. I am grateful for the privilege of sonship.

4. You have breathed on me your love, you have given me a new beginning, and your mercies you have made perfect towards me. You have made me a shining star. I bless you dear heavenly father.

5. For the life and the light; I do not take for granted. For the love and the loaves, I am eternally grateful. Thank you for all you do for me and to me.

6. The birds in the air, the fishes in the water, and the trees on the land are the demonstrations of your loving-kindness to us all. You are God all by yourself and you are worthy of my praise.

7. Daily will I talk of your goodness. Daily will I sing of your loving-kindness, because you have shown me mercy, and your grace has not been far from me. I am deeply grateful, God.

8. I will testify of your love, sing of your praise, and talk of your greatness to the world. For you have been so good to me, and I have come to say, thank you, Jesus.

9. There is none like you, Lord. You are indescribable. You are wonderful. You are glorious and, You are incomparable.

10. I cannot say enough about how much you mean to me. You have caused me to escape from the snare of death and the traps of the enemy. You have hidden me in the shadow of your wings. My praise, I give unto you.

11. Essentials gifts of life you have made readily available for me. You have blessed me so much, than I could be rewarded by my works alone. I am happy to call you my father. Thank you for loading me with benefits, daily.

12. You created the world all by yourself. You have blessed us with all that pertains to life. You have rubbed off your glory on us and you left us with praises for you alone.

13. The joy of the Lord has become my strength. The highest mountains cannot be used to explain how high you are; neither can the widest oceans be compared to how wide you are. You are mighty, Lord.

14. My life, you have made an expression of your grace. I will never take this for granted. My appreciation forever will I bring at your feet.

15. My heart is full of gratitude unto you. I just want to say thank you, Lord, for the gift of life and the daily supplies.

16. You have become the song that I sing. You have beautified my life with your kindness and I am eternally grateful to you, God.

17. Day by day, you have made me wax stronger. You have my confidence restored and made uncommon prosperity a lifestyle for me. Indeed, I celebrate you, Lord.

18. Eyes have not seen the end of your glory; neither can the mind of man conceive the depth of your love. Your greatness is inconceivable. Your mercy is inexplicable.

19. The high mountains, the large seas, the wide desert, and the fruitful land sings of your power and splendor. Thank you for the love and blessings you shower on a mortal like me.

20. By righteousness, I am not qualified. By good works, I do not measure up. Your goodness, I do not deserve, yet, you love me beyond definition; you bless me, beyond explanation. Forever, I remain grateful.

Related Post : Prayer Quotes for Loved Ones

Short Morning Prayer of Gratitude

It is a pearl of great wisdom to plan a portion of your time for daily morning prayer before veering into the busy activities of the day.

Even if you do not have enough time to pray a long prayer for the day, a short morning prayer of gratitude should not be missed.

Think about the peaceful night and the rejuvenated body and mind you woke up with? You wouldn’t want to miss saying some words of gratitude to The One who consistently preserves your spirit, soul, and body.

Here are beautifully structured ways to say I am grateful, Lord. I hope each of these morning prayers of thanksgiving would trigger your inner inspiration to pour your heart of gratitude to God.

1. Dear Lord, I am so grateful for your love and goodness. I do not take your boundless love for granted, neither do I consider your goodness as minor.

Thank you for the night. Thank you for your angels that watched over me, and thank you for protection from the evil of the night.

Thank you for the peace and the restful night. Thank you for the renewed strength to go about the activities of today. I am grateful and would forever be grateful. To you alone be all my praise, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

2. Dear Lord, I praise and lift your name high; for you are our rock and shield. Thank you for my home and every member of my family.

You have kept us till today by your power and wisdom. We acknowledge your grace over us as a family and as an individual.

Thank you for the peace that reigns, the joy that flows, and the love that rules.

Thank you for the hope to face another day, and for the enablement to conquer and live victoriously.

To you be all the glory, honor, and adoration. Amen.

3. Heavenly Father, thank you for the victory of yesterday, and the testimonies of your favor. Thank you for the sound sleep through the night and the protection from the plan of the enemy.

Thank you for this morning, because it shall be a good morning. Thank you for the brightness of the day, because your light shall lead me through.

Thank you for renewed strength, fresh hope, and rekindled motivation to go further than I did yesterday.

Thank you for the amazing favor that shall be my portion and the blessings that shall come my way. May you receive all the glory, honor, and adoration. Amen.

4. Dear Heavenly Father, I want to appreciate you for your love, grace, mercy, and blessings. Thank you for all you do for me, to me, and in me. Thank you for perfecting all that concerns me, and for orchestrating events for my good.

Thank you for a night without trouble. To you be the glory, for a restful and peaceful night.

I praise you for keeping, preserving, and guarding every member of my family. Thank you because none wake to the hearing of bad news.

Thank you for the sanity of my mind. For this and every other thing, I am grateful.

Thank you for your great light, wisdom, and revelation. Thank you for the grace and blessings that come with each day.

Glory, honor, power, and majesty, be to you, Lord. Amen.

Related Post: Words of Blessings and Bible Verses

Thank God for another day Quotes

The sight of the breaking of a new day is a privilege. The enemy had evil plans for us, but God kept us through to enjoy the dawn of another day. This is truly worth appreciating Him for. With this collection of Thank God for another day quotes, express your heart of gratitude to the loving God that preserved your soul, and kept you hale and healthy.

1. “Thank God for another day, a blank canvas of time where we can paint the colors of our aspirations and dreams.”

2. “Every morning is a reminder that God has granted us another day – a new opportunity to love, learn, and make a positive difference.”

3. “In the symphony of life, each day is a precious note composed by the Almighty. Thank God for the melody of today!”

4. “Gratitude is the key that unlocks the fullness of life. Today, let’s thank God for the gift of another day and the chance to make it extraordinary.”

5. “Waking up is a blessing, but waking up with purpose is divine. Thank God for gifting us another day to pursue our passions and fulfill our destinies.”

6. “Each sunrise is a masterpiece painted by the Creator. Let’s bow our heads in gratitude and thank God for the masterpiece that is today.”

7. “As the sun rises, so does our chance for a fresh start. Thank God for the dawn of a new day and the boundless possibilities it brings.”

8. “Life is a collection of moments, and today is another page in the story of our journey. Thank God for the opportunity to write a beautiful chapter.”

9. “With the rising sun comes the promise of a new beginning. Today, let’s thank God for the chance to rewrite our story and create a narrative filled with love, joy, and purpose.”

10. “In the tapestry of time, each day is a thread woven by the hands of God. Let’s express our gratitude for the intricate design of today and the divine craftsmanship behind it.”

In a time of plenty and period of scarcity; in season and out of season, rendering words of thanksgiving to God is a great option. We should not wait until all things fall in line according to our will and desire before allowing our hearts to be lifted in worship to the Lord Almighty.

whether on special occasions like a birthday, Thanksgiving Sunday, and the celebration of a great breakthrough, or in times when the cloud becomes darker and inconsistent, grateful quotes to God will help you to look unto God, and magnify Him in your heart. This will consequently lead to a build-up of faith in you, to sail through the season into victory.

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Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.

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