Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For Someone

[2024] Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For Someone

Amid life’s challenges, we often find solace in the power of prayer, a timeless and comforting practice that connects us to something greater than ourselves. In this moment of collective hope and support, let us join together in offering short prayer for healing and recovery for someone.

Whether you are seeking strength for a loved one facing health challenges or simply wish to share in the positive energy of collective well-wishing, these brief prayers are a gentle reminder of the healing power that lies within our words and intentions.

Join us in this sacred moment of compassion as we uplift those in need with our Short Prayer for Healing and Recovery for someone.

If at all you don’t know what to pray for, this write-up contains a list of short prayer for healing and recovery for someone you love that can guide you in knowing what to pray for them.

Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For Someone

1. Heavenly Father, I lift up [Name] to You, asking for Your divine touch. May Your healing power flow through every part of their body, bringing restoration and strength.

2. Lord, grant comfort to [Name] as they face health challenges. Surround them with Your love and grace, and let Your healing light shine upon them.

3. Merciful God, I pray for the complete healing of [Name]. May Your healing hands bring peace to their body, mind, and spirit, guiding them to full recovery.

4. Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals, I entrust [Name] into Your care. Speak Your words of healing over them and let Your soothing presence bring renewal.

5. Gracious Savior, we ask for Your healing touch upon [Name]’s life. May they experience the restoration of health and the assurance of Your unfailing love.

6. Lord of compassion, I pray for [Name]’s recovery. Shower them with Your grace, renew their strength, and grant them the courage to face each day with hope.

7. Divine Physician, I seek Your intervention for [Name]. Heal them physically, emotionally, and spiritually, restoring wholeness to every aspect of their being.

8. Comforter of the afflicted, I bring before You [Name]’s need for healing. Pour out Your healing balm upon them and grant them the patience to endure this season.

9. Holy Spirit, descend upon [Name] with Your healing power. Bring clarity to the minds of their caregivers and guide them in providing the best care for a swift recovery.

10. God of all comfort, be with [Name] in their journey toward healing. May Your peace surround them, and may they be strengthened with each passing day. Amen.

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Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For A Family Member

A true family is available for one another both during the good times and ugly times as well such as when a family member is sick. At such a time, apart from showing physical care in paying medical bills to ensure they recover, praying for their quick recovery is of utmost importance too.

A short prayer for healing and recovery for a family member is a sign of trust in the only One who heals and will ensure that family member recovers well. Doctors tell us that they only care while God heals. Thus, the importance of saying a short prayer for healing and recovery for a family member who is sick cannot be overemphasized.

This write-up has a list of short prayers for healing and recovery for a family member that you can say whenever a family member is indisposed. We wish them a speedy recovery.

1. Dear Lord, my little brother is sick and presently at the hospital. We love him but you love him more. Please heal him and grant him quick recovery in Jesus’ name.

2. Dear Lord, we unite together in prayers as a family for [family member’s name]. We ask that you heal him and grant him perfect soundness in Jesus’ name.

3. Father, we thank you for the life of [name]. We are unhappy about his health condition at the moment and we ask that you will stretch forth your healing hand towards him and heal him in Jesus’ name.

4. Dear God, with you, nothing shall be impossible. Please heal [child’s name] and let her return home soon in Jesus’ name.

5. Dear God, we thank you for the success of the operation on [the family member]. We ask that you will perfect his/her health and grant him/her speedy recovery in Jesus’ name.

6. Heavenly Father, our hearts are pained by seeing [child’s name] in this condition. Please restore his health so that he may continue to be a source of joy and laughter to us at home. This we ask for in Jesus’ name.

7. Father, all power in heaven and earth belongs to you. I ask that you heal my [family member] by your great power in Jesus’ name.

8. Dear Lord, you said that we are for signs and wonders as a family. But, [family member] is sick at the moment. Please Lord, heal her of this sickness and restore perfect health to her in Jesus’ name.

9. Father, what you cannot do, does not exist. I pray that you will heal daddy and restore his health 100% in Jesus’ name.

10. Thank you Lord for bringing me into a family like this where love reigns. I pray Lord that you will take away this disease in [family member] and heal her perfectly in Jesus’ name.

11. Lord, you have promised to take sickness out of our midst as a family. You did it before when dad was sick. Now, [family member] is sick too. Just like you did before, Lord, do it again and prove yourself once again in Jesus’ name.

12. Dear God, we know you are the God of miracles. What we need now as a family is a miracle for [name of family member]. Please heal him Lord and restore his health completely back to him. This we pray for in Jesus’ name.

13. Almighty God, thank you for the recovery of [family member]. We ask that you’ll hasten her recovery and make her perfectly sound in no time at all in Jesus’ name.

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Healing Prayers For My Husband

When as a wife-to-be, you planned with your husband on building a family together, remember the vows you both made: ‘for better or worse, in sickness and health…’ Even though we do not wish for evil circumstances like sickness, it can happen at times and when it does happen, especially to the one we love dearly, it can be very devastating.

As a wife, you surely want to say some healing prayers for your husband when he is sick with the faith that he gets better quickly.

Knowing how dear your husband is to you, we have arranged in this write-up a list of ‘healing prayers for my husband’ that you can say or allow to inspire you on what to pray for your husband when he is unwell. May the Almighty God grant your husband a speedy recovery.

1. Heavenly Father, I lift up my beloved husband before you, asking for your healing touch. Please restore his health and strength, bringing wholeness to every part of his body.

2. Lord Jesus, I pray for my husband’s well-being. Let your healing power flow through him, removing any illness or discomfort. Grant him the strength to overcome every health challenge.

3. Merciful God, I entrust my husband’s health into your hands. Surround him with your love, comfort, and healing grace. May he experience your divine presence in times of weakness.

4. Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals, I call upon you for my husband’s recovery. Touch him with your healing hand and renew his body, mind, and spirit.

5. Loving Savior, I ask for your healing mercy to be upon my husband. Bring peace to his heart, strength to his body, and resilience to face any health trials.

6. Almighty Physician, I pray for your guidance in my husband’s healing journey. May the doctors and medical professionals involved be instruments of your healing wisdom.

7. Gracious Lord, grant my husband the assurance of your constant care. Be his refuge in times of illness, and may your healing power manifest in his life.

8. Comforter of the afflicted, I bring before you my husband’s pain and discomfort. Pour out your healing balm upon him, soothing every ache and restoring him to health.

9. Holy Spirit, I invite your healing presence to dwell within my husband. Strengthen his immune system, restore his vitality, and bring about a speedy recovery.

10. God of Hope, I place my husband’s health in your hands. Fill him with hope, courage, and perseverance as he navigates the path to complete healing.

11. Lord, I pray for wisdom for the healthcare providers attending to my husband. Guide their decisions and treatments, and may your healing power be evident in every step.

12. Heavenly Father, grant my husband patience and endurance during this time of healing. Help him trust in your perfect timing and find peace in the midst of any uncertainty.

13. Jesus, my Rock and Redeemer, I pray for my husband’s emotional and mental well-being. Shield his mind from anxiety, and may your peace reign in his heart.

14. Divine Comforter, wrap my husband in your loving arms. Let him feel the warmth of your love, bringing not only physical healing but also emotional and spiritual renewal.

15. Lord, I thank you for the gift of my husband. As he walks the path of healing, may your grace and mercy accompany him, leading to a complete restoration of health. Amen.

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Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For My Wife

Sometimes when negative situations happen to come our way, it is so that we can turn to God who reserves all the power to help us out of that negative situation.

When it so happens that your wife falls sick as a husband, you usually want to do all it is within your power to ensure she gets better. But have you considered praying for her healing or recovery? Perhaps, it is not even sickness. Maybe she was involved in an accident or she’s emotionally disturbed, have you tried the power eminent in prayers?

God wields all power to turn things around for the better but then, you have to ask Him. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a long, jaw-breaking prayer before God answers you. It can as well be a simple, straight-to-the-point, and short prayer for healing and recovery for your wife.

You can choose to pray any of these short prayers for healing and recovery for my wife compiled in this list. We wish your dear wife a speedy recovery.

1. Dear Lord, I thank you for giving me such a wonderful and lovely wife. She is sick at the moment and in need of your divine touch. Please heal her and take away this sickness from her in Jesus’ name.

2. Dear Lord, my wife is going through a storm in her emotions right now. I ask that just as you calmed the storm for your disciples, that you calm the storm in her life right now in Jesus’ name.

3. Dear Lord, thank you for sparing the life of my wife to this day. I pray for her soundness in health and that you take away the sickness troubling her body right now in Jesus’ name.

4. Dear God, I commit my wife into your healing hands. Touch her, make her well and remove the hand of sickness from her life in Jesus’ name.

5. Father, there is absolutely nothing too hard for you to do. Please heal my wife and take away this raging disease from her body in Jesus’ name.

6. Dear Lord, thank you for delivering my wife from that ghastly accident. I know you have a plan for her life. I pray therefore Lord, that you grant her a quick recovery so that she can fulfill your plan for her in Jesus’ name.

7. Dear God, healing my wife of this sickness will be little compared to the great deliverances you’ve wrought for us in the past. I pray you to heal her and glorify yourself once more in her life in Jesus’ name.

8. Dear Lord, you are the Healer. I pray that you heal my wife at this moment and take away this sickness from her life in Jesus’ name.

9. Almighty Father, the greatest desire my wife has now is to recover from this illness that has plagued her. Please grant her desire and be glorified in Jesus’ name.

10. Dear Lord, I don’t understand perfectly, your will for my wife’s life nor why you allowed this to happen to her. But I pray now for her complete recovery from this sickness in Jesus’ name.

11. Thank you Lord for the significant recovery in my wife’s life. I pray that you will make her recovery complete and quick in Jesus’ name.

12. Dear Lord, I can’t wait to see my wife as she has always been. Right now, she is far from her normal self, due to this sickness. Please restore her health unto her in Jesus’ name.

13. Dear Lord, I can’t wait to share the testimony of my wife’s healing. You wield all power to make this happen in the shortest possible time. Please grant this Lord I pray in Jesus’ name.

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Short Prayer For Healing And Recovery For A Friend

A friend in need is a friend indeed. What this means is that a true friend will remain a friend in unpleasant situations like sickness and not only when things are running smoothly and rosy.

Do you have a friend who is sick at the moment and you want their healing and recovery? By offering up unto God short prayers for healing and recovery for a friend, you are not only proving to be a true friend but you’re also being a support for them in their difficult time.

We have arranged a list of short prayers for healing and recovery for a friend that you can pray for your friend when they are sick.

1. Dear Lord, [friend’s name] has been a very good friend to me. It is a pain to see him in such a condition. I ask that you please heal him and take away the sickness from his body in Jesus’ name.

2. Dear Lord, please heal [friend’s name] of [mention the sickness] in Jesus’ name.

3. Almighty God, you promised to heal us when we’re sick. Please heal [friend’s name] this moment in Jesus’ name.

4. Lord, by your stripes, we are healed. I pray you will heal my friend now by your stripes according to your word, today, in Jesus’ name.

5. Father, you have the power to do all things. Please heal [friend’s name] now, and I know he will be healed. I pray this in Jesus’ name.

6. Father, healing is the children’s bread. Your child, [friend’s name] is sick, heal him O Lord, and make him well again in Jesus’ name.

7. Father, I pray for my friend who is sick at the moment. Please heal him/her and grant him/her quick recovery in Jesus’ name.

8. Dear Lord, I know that no disease is too great for you to heal. [Friend’s name] is currently sick of [such-and-such]. Heal him by your mighty power Lord, in Jesus’ name.

9. Dear Lord, I know [friend’s name] is sick in his soul. Please, heal his soul, take away his worries, fears, and anxieties, and grant him your rest in Jesus’ name.

10. Heavenly Father, I pray for my friend who is going through a lot right now. Please be there for her right now and grant her quick recovery in Jesus’ name. Let her know you do love and care for her. This I pray in Jesus’ name.

11. Lord, have your way in my friend’s life. Take away the pain in her heart. Restore the joy she once had and fill her with your overwhelming peace in Jesus’ name.

12. Dear Lord, my friend is going through a difficult time at the moment. Please be there for her, remind her of your unfailing love, and let your healing hands rest upon her and grant her quick recovery. This I pray for in Jesus’ name.

13. Dear God, please continue your restoration in the body of [friend’s name]. Renew her strength bodily and in her inner being so that she may continue to serve you. I pray this in Jesus’ name.

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Short Prayer For Healing For My Mother/Father

Our fathers and mothers do a lot for us to ensure we are who we ought to be. They provide shelter, clothing, food, money, education, love, care, support, and so on. Even if you’re thinking they don’t do all of these, yet, they do at least one of them.

We love them so much that we don’t want anything to harm them. However, it is not the case as their health can fail them. When that happens, we want to do all within our ability to ensure they get better. Beyond what physical measures you can and will take, you can also pray short prayer for healing and recovery for someone you love, such as mother or father. By doing so, you are trusting in God who can never fail to bring about healing for them.

This write-up contains a list of such short prayers for healing for my mother/father that you can pray to ensure their healing and sound recovery.

1. Dear God, my father has been a supportive pillar to us all at home. I pray that your healing hand will rest upon him and grant him perfect healing from this sickness in Jesus’ name.

2. Father, you have given me an earthly father who keeps doing his best to help me and my siblings to be what we should be. He is sick at the moment and needs your healing. I pray that you will heal him today and take away the sickness disturbing him in Jesus’ name.

3. Dear Lord, your word says that ‘…you will take sickness away from us.’ I ask that you take away the sickness troubling my father now by your mighty power in Jesus’ name.

4. Thank you, Lord, for keeping my mother alive till today. I pray that you will be gracious to her and heal her of this disease by the blood of Jesus. This I pray for in Jesus’ name.

5. Dear Lord, Your word says that ‘…by your stripes, we are healed.’ I pray that You heal my father now by the stripes of Jesus according to Your word in Jesus’ name.

6. Dear Lord, my mother is going through a lot of pain in her body right now. I ask that you give her health and cure and let Your healing virtue flow through her body right now in Jesus’ name.

7. Every spirit of sickness affecting the life of my father, I bind you and cast you out of his life right now in Jesus’ name.

8. Heavenly Father, my father has been very good to us as a family. It is a pain in our hearts to see him helpless in this sickness. We pray Lord that in your manifold mercy, you will send down healing into his body right now and drive away sickness from his life totally in Jesus’ name.

9. Dear God, my mother lies sick of [sickness name] but you are the great Healer. I put my trust in you this hour and I pray that you heal her and grant her perfect soundness even now in Jesus’ name.

10. Almighty God, you are good and your mercy endures forever. You are the One who heals all our diseases and takes sickness away from us. I pray for my mother that you will heal her sick body now and take away this sickness affecting her right now in Jesus’ name.

11. Dear Lord, it is your will that we are in sound health and that is why you sent Jesus to bare all our sicknesses and grief. I pray for my mother that you will raise her and heal her sick body by the sacrifice of Jesus for her in Jesus’ name.

12. Dear Lord, please heal my mother. She has been a wonderful mother and wife at home. Please take away the sickness from her body and grant her health and cure according to your word in Jesus’ name.

13. Dear Lord, I know that you can do all things. I pray that you heal my mother of the disease in her body today and make her whole in Jesus’ name.

We believe that these list of powerful short prayer for healing and recovery for someone you love have given you several ideas to pray and helped you to invite god into the situation of your loved ones.

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Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.

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