[100 Messages] How To Check Up On Someone Through Text In A Sweet Way
In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected with our loved ones is more important than ever. However, with busy schedules and hectic lifestyles, finding the time for meaningful conversations can be challenging. This is where text messaging comes in as a convenient and effective way to check up on someone and show that you care.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the art of checking up on someone through text messages. Whether it’s a friend going through a tough time, a family member who needs support, or just reaching out to reconnect with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, we’ll provide you with practical tips and strategies to make your messages thoughtful, genuine, and impactful.
Its important to stay intentional in reaching out to people. One way to do that is through text. Thankfully, it doesn’t require much to know how to check up on someone through text.
Knowing how to check up on someone through text is easier than you think. In fact, a quick text message can breach a long-term communication gap in seconds. All you need to do is scribble some heartfelt words and send.
However, while texting is pretty simple, we understand it’s not so straightforward for some. Some people experience writing phobia whether it’s on the phone or paper. Others feel *text-tied*
Nevertheless, we have compiled a couple of expressions to show you how to check up on someone through text even if you’re not connected for years.
Without further ado, start reading.
Just Checking Up On You Meaning
Have you ever used these words: I’m just checking on you?
If not, then you’ve probably heard someone say them. The meaning isn’t farfetched. Just checking up on you meaning is simply words spoken by someone who is inquiring about a person’s welfare. It’s an informal way of communicating care and concern, especially if there has not been contact for a while.
How To Check Up On Someone Through Text
There are times when communication between you and someone takes a downward spiral. There could be several reasons for this but the only way you’ll get to know is if you check in on them.
If this has happened to you, you may feel inclined to reach out. You may even feel stuck on how to proceed without sounding awkward.
First, well done on being a kind person. Second, you’re in the right place. Below are some tips that will show you how to connect with someone through text.
1. Keep it short and simple
No need to overthink things; just start on a simple note. Let them know you’re reaching out. You could infuse some emotion into it. I mean, you’ve been friends before so reaching out shouldn’t be tough. Here are some statements you can use to strike up a conversation:
● Hello, how are you?
● I was flipping through my photos and a picture of you came to mind. I hope you’re good.
● Just checking up on you. Hope you’re holding up strong.
● I thought of reaching out to you. How’s life been?
2. Mention that time has passed since you spoke to each other
Bringing this up emphasizes the distance in communication and it can trigger something in the receiver. The idea is to increase your chance of getting a reply and eventually having a conversation.
● I can’t recall the last time we talked. How’s the week coming?
● It’s been days since you texted me about your job. I hope it’s better for you.
● Didn’t see anything from your status for a while. What have you been up to?
3. Bring up a good memory you two have
To further the conversation, you can share a memory or two. This will give you two something to bond over and spark further conversations. For examples,
● Do you remember that time when…
● How did it go with the last interview?
● That amusement park trip was a bomb. Did you return?
4. Inquire about a specific incident or event
This is a way to show you were paying attention and you care about them. Ask about any tasks they had wanted to do. They will be more likely to respond.
● I found out you took ill. How are you feeling now?
● I didn’t see you at the meeting. I hope everything is okay.
● How did the presentation go?
● Were you able to attend the concert? Give me the details.
5. Don’t leave without a plan
Part of the reason you’re reaching out is so you two can reconnect. Once the conversation draws to an end, make a plan to meet up. It could be physical or online. For examples,
● When will you be returning to the office?
● Since you’re back from vacation, let’s meet this weekend.
● I’ll be at the mall tomorrow, may I stop by your place?
● I’m absolutely free this weekend, you can come over. Bring those delicious toffees too.
Just Checking Up On You Text Messages
When someone close to you is now distant, you might feel concerned. Sending a text to know how the person is faring can ease that tension. You can make your text engaging as the person responds at once. Here’s some interesting just checking up on you text messages you can use.
1. There’s no greater feeling than having hope for a better tomorrow. I hope you share this same hope with me. I just thought about reaching out.
2. Your smiling face flashed before my eyes and I decided to check up on you. I hope you’re having a great month.
3. We’ve not spoken in a while and I can’t let this go on any longer. How have you been? I would love to hear from you.
4. Good friends like you are harder to find. You mean a lot to me and I appreciate you. I just thought of using my spare time to check up on you.
5. Hello dear, I hope you’re well and good. I thought to check on you to ensure you’re okay. I understand how busy life can be. Just know that I think of you every day. Please take care of yourself.
6. Hi _, I’m just checking to make sure you’re okay. I hope my message meets you well. I understand we’ve not spoken as much as before, but I want you to know I love you. If you would like to hang out this weekend, send me a reply.
7. It feels like forever since we chatted. How’s life treating you? I hope you were able to hit the target we discussed last time. I just wanted to check on you. Have a wonderful day
8. Hey there, it’s been a minute. How are you today? I can hear many crickets from their end. You’ve gone pretty silent. I thought to reach out. Let me know how you’re faring.
9. I miss seeing your quirky texts in the morning. Your silence seems so loud. I just had to reach out. I hope you’ve been in high spirits. Do reach out so we can have a long-awaited chat.
10. You mean a lot to me, and that’s why I couldn’t resist checking up on you. What’s your progress based on our last chat? I’d love to hear from you.
11. Hi _, it seems a long time has passed since the event. How are you? Do you need help with anything? Please let me know how your week has been.
12. As I was scrolling through my phone, your name came to my mind. How’s life girl? I’m sorry for not reaching out earlier. I hope life’s treating you well. Reach me ASAP.
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New Friendship Messages
Sometimes, we face disappointment from people we’ve once known. It’s easy to shut the world out and project your pain on others. Then someone new comes in. A different level of friendship is unlocked and you feel joy again. If you just had a similar experience, it’s important to acknowledge that person. These new friendship messages will make your new friend feel special.
1. Whenever I remember all the good things that have happened to me since you came in, I wonder where you’ve been all these while. I know there’s more to our new friendship and I’m sure you feel the same way. I look forward to who we will be as friends.
2. I assumed I knew everything about being a friend but you showed me a higher dimension. At times, I feel overwhelmed but I’m grateful you’re in my life. Thank you, my special friend.
3. Many times, I feel scared of taking risks. I resisted giving you a chance but I didn’t realize when you became a part of my life. It’s hard to resist being your friend. Know that I’m happy I have you.
4. I didn’t know what true friendship was until I met you. Thank you for making me a better person. I welcome you and I hope you never leave.
5. I live an interesting life, but things just took a better turn with you around. Sometimes, I wish I met you earlier, but things happen for a reason. Thank you for being here. Cheers to sweet friendship.
6. From the first day we met, your aura called to me. There was something energetically pleasing about you that I couldn’t resist. You’re a blend of perfection, my complement. I’m excited to see how our friendship unfolds.
7. For the longest time, I’ve shut myself out of people. However, you crept in so subtly that I never want you to go. Thanks to you, I’ve learned to trust again.
8. The saying, “Never judge a book by its cover” is true. If I hadn’t allowed myself to know you better, I would have missed out on your sweet personality. I’m proud to have you as a friend.
9. I used to feel self-assured about who I wanted and the kind of friends that I hung out with. However, you’ve shown me there’s more than meets the eye. Thank you for opening my eyes to a better experience. I’m glad you found me.
Related Post: I Am Missing You Messages
Heart Touching Lines For Best Friend In English
Have you been searching for some heartfelt words to appreciate your best friend? We hope so. It’s necessary to acknowledge the important people in your life. Doing so ensures your relationships are fulfilling and long-lasting. Below are some heart-touching lines for best friend in english to encourage the gem in your life.
1. Where can good friends go? They are treasures that we must embrace. I’m honored to have found you. You are a blessing to be with. Thank you for being there in my darkest moment. I adore you to the moon and back.
2. Words fail to express the depth of how I feel about you. You represent good fortune and success in my life. You have made a remarkable impact on me. Thank you.
3. Out of the many friends I’m privileged to have, you top the chart. You’re the only one I can express my deepest pain, fears, and joy. The beautiful part about this is that you feel the same way too thank you for being my secret keeper. I pray I never violate your trust, just like you wouldn’t do to me.
4. Sometimes, it takes forever for me to be vulnerable to someone, but you made that easy. I appreciate you for not abandoning me in my weakest moment. You’re my best friend forever.
5. You’re one friend whose presence emanates peace, joy, and laughter. Your friendliness is so appealing. I appreciate your selflessness. You’re one person who will give up everything for the benefit of another. I’m sure God gave me a best friend like you. Cheers to our glorious friendship.
6. Darling, we’ve come a long way. We climbed mountains and handled valleys together. Still, there are more strides to make. Nevertheless, I’m happy and fulfilled knowing I’m walking these paths with yours knowing that I appreciate the connection we have. I’ll never take it for granted.
7. Hey love, I wanted you to know that you can count on me. I’ll have your back like you’ve always had mine. If you need anything, even if it’s emotional support, trust me to show up for you.
8. You’re my biggest blessing and inspiration, one I’m honored to have as a best friend. I’m happy to cheer you on in times of trouble. You can trust me to hold you and wipe your tears. Never feel alone cause I am here.
9. I just thought of sending this before I go to bed. I admire your honesty and realness. Beyond these, I appreciate how kind you are when you tell me the truth. It shows how thoughtful you are of me. I’m awestruck by you.
10. To my bestie of all time, it would be unfair not to send you this. You’ve been instrumental to many moments of fun and excitement in my life. When I think of you, I become happy. Thank you for having my back. I love you!
How To Text A Friend After A Long Time Examples
Life can become so hectic that we miss out on our relationships. We all want to make ends meet to keep up with life so texting a friend may be the last thing on our minds.
This doesn’t have to be so. Texting a friend after a while doesn’t have to be hard. Here are some examples of how to text a friend after a long time examples.
1. Is it me or did time fly away too fast? Hi_, how have you been? I’m sorry I went AWOL for a long time. Life happened. I hope your side is cheerier than mine. I’d love to hear from you again
2. When the thought of you hit me, I feel nostalgic. We’ve had a lot of amazing times together, and I know we can still make more memories. Are you available this Friday? Let’s catch up, shall we?
3. It feels like a gazillion years since we last spoke. I miss your good vibes and intelligent words. How are you, dear?
4. Hey _, forgive my silence these past months. I didn’t mean to ghost you. I don’t want us to lose our friendship. I’m returning to the country in a few days. Could we meet up and chat this weekend? Let me know if you’re up for it.
5. I just heard one of our favorite songs and the image of you flashed through my mind. It’s been weeks. Exams have surely done a number on us. How are you?
6. Hello _, it’s Carissa. I’m terribly sorry for leaving your text hanging. I’ve been in and out of surgery so I couldn’t communicate much with my phone. I’m much better now. Now, tell me, can we have a video chat? I’d love to see your pretty face again. Let’s catch up on old times.
7. Happy birthday to you Peter. I know this message will be a surprise since it’s almost a year since our last chat. I wish you all the good things life has to offer. Are you still living on the same street? I’ll be passing back later this week. Maybe we could catch up.
8. Hey _, it’s Lawrence from work. I see you’re making strides in your career and I’m excited for you. How has life been with you?
9. Hi _, it’s Maggie here. I know it’s been ages but I thought to reach out. I just saw on the news that some heavy storm is hitting your city. Tell me, do you need support?
10. Jamie asked about you and I couldn’t give a fitting reply. How are you? I hope you’re still hale and hearty. It’s been a while. If you’re up for it, let’s have a video call. Let me know when you’re free.
11. I’ve been cooking up a bunch of excuses to tell you but none works. Telling you I miss you sounds good enough. How has life been treating you? I hope you’ve been shooting for the stars in your career as usual.
12. Hi go-getter, I’m sure your life has taken a different turn since our last discussion. I miss rubbing minds with a brilliant person like you. Would you like to hang out this Saturday? Let’s catch up.
Reconnecting With Old Friends Message Examples
If you’re out of touch with an old friend, and you desire to reconnect again, we’ve got you covered. We have created some reconnecting with old friends message examples below. These examples will help you confidently kickstart a conversation.
1. Is it me or did three weeks pass at an instant? Hey buddy, how have you been? Since you relocated, we’ve not had a proper discussion. If you can spare the time, let’s catch up on old times. Let me know when we can do this.
2. Today is Christmas and I remember how excellent you were at wrapping gifts. You know how to make them look unique and special. I hope you retained those skills even though we’ve not been in contact for so long. I hope you’re still the jovial lady I know.
3. Since our last discussion, things have taken a turn for the worse. I hope you’ve had better luck in life. Are you okay? I hope we can talk. Let’s reconnect!
4. Hi _, I was passing by a cafe and saw someone who looked like you. It’s been a long time since we last interacted. I miss having you around.
5. Hi _, I know things have gone south between us. I’m sorry for what I did and the harsh words I spoke. I realize I misunderstood you and treated you wrong. I hope we can be friends again, or at least, talk to each other. I’m very sorry.
6. Hey you! We’ve had months of zero communication and that’s weird. I think about you a lot and miss all the time we spent together. I hope you’ve not changed from the beautiful and positive person I know you to be. Let me know if we can Facetime.
7. Hi _, I hope your weekend is going great. I wonder what happened to us. We were talking just fine and then …crickets… . Anyway, do you have plans? If not, let’s catch up at the bakery.
*Text-tied*- too shy or embarrassed to write.
Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.