Emotional Quotes For Best Friend

73 Heart Touching Apology Message To My Love / Friend (Him or /Her)

In the intricate dance of love, we occasionally misstep, unintentionally causing pain to the ones closest to our hearts. Acknowledging our mistakes and seeking forgiveness becomes not only a necessity but a testament to the depth of our commitment.

This post is a heartfelt exploration into the realm of sincere apologies – an art that transcends the spoken word and reaches the very core of our emotions.

Even in the most romantic relationship, quarrel and disagreement are bound to happen once in a while. At such a time when you need to make things up with your lover, an heart touching apology message to my love is a great tool to employ.

Intentionally or unintentionally, you could have said (or did) something hurting to your significant other or taken the relationship for granted unknowingly. Whatever it was, one “I’m sorry SMS” can undo the damage caused to the heart of your love. An ‘heart touching apology message to my love’ can do the magic!

It’s not the time to shift blame. It’s time to own up. Yes; you read that correctly.

It doesn’t matter who was wrong, getting the relationship back in shape should be the concern now.

It doesn’t matter how grievous your lover might have been hurt, these I’m sorry messages would help to soften his/ her heart, and restore that romance that seems to be dying out.

Again, for emphasis. It’s not a sign of weakness to apologize to your love. It is, in fact, a sign of strength.

Being sorry and apologizing for wrongdoing in a relationship is a sign of how much value you place on that relationship and how much you cherish your partner.

Once again, even at this moment when he/ she feels offended, prove your unwavering love with these romantic and emotional apology messages to my love for hurting him or her.

Join me on a journey of remorse, understanding, and redemption as we delve into the intricacies of crafting a heart-touching apology message for the one we hold dearest, acknowledging that healing begins with the power of carefully chosen words.

Romantic Apology Messages for Him/Her


Below, are very romantic apology messages that can help melt his or her heart and rekindle that lovey-dovey feeling again in your soul mate.

Carefully search for the one that would paint the picture you desire to draw while she read through these romantic text messages on his/her device.

An apology doesn’t need to be too long. What does the work is the sincerity of the heart from which it is coming and the lovely choice of words with which it is conveyed.

These romantic and heart touching apology messages to my love have been structure to soothe the soul and trigger the romance clouded in the heart of your love.

1. In the garden of love, I regret plucking the flower of our happiness. I apologize, my love, and hope we can replant the seeds of forgiveness.

2. Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. I am deeply sorry, and I hope you can find it in your heart to let our love bloom again.

3. I apologize not because I am wrong, but because I value our relationship more than my ego. Let’s paint our love canvas with forgiveness and start a new masterpiece together.

4. In the symphony of our love, I played the wrong note. I’m sorry for the discord, and I promise to compose a melody of understanding and harmony just for us.

5. I wounded your heart with the arrows of my mistakes. Please accept my sincere apologies, and let’s heal together, rewriting the chapters of our love story.

6. Love is a delicate dance, and I stumbled on the steps. I apologize for the missteps, and I’m eager to twirl back into your arms with grace and understanding.

7. I regret the shadows my actions cast on the sunshine of our love. I’m sorry for the darkness, and I promise to be the sunlight that brightens your days once more.

8. In the garden of our relationship, I unintentionally trampled on the flowers of trust. I apologize and promise to be more mindful, nurturing our love like the most delicate of blossoms.

9. I am sorry for the storm I brought into the calm waters of our love. Let’s rebuild our ship and sail together through the tranquil seas of understanding and affection.

10. The palette of our love was stained with the wrong hues. I apologize for the colors that didn’t reflect our true beauty. Let’s mix new shades of understanding and forgiveness to paint a brighter future together.

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Heart Touching Apology Message To My Love For Hurting Him / Her

11. I keep staring at my phone, hoping I’ll hear from you; remembering the precious moments we’ve spent together. I want you back, dear. You mean the world to me.

12. Since I hurt you, my eyes keep dropping tears uncontrollably. My handkerchief is always soaked with tears of regret. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, dear.

13. I hope you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive me. My heart is heavy. My eyes are teary. I’m sincerely sorry.

14. Dear, I know I have not measured up to expectation, I’m sorry. I promise to always stretch to be the lover you’ve always wanted. Please don’t give up on me.

15. You may not be aware of how guilty I feel after my misconduct. Nothing can heal my pain now until you find a place to forgive me in your heart. I am deeply sorry. Please accept my apology.

16. I wish I can turn back the hands of the clock. I wish I can erase the ugly happenings. I wish I can feel blameless. I wish I can have you to myself like I used to. Forgive me, dear. I’m sorry for my wrong.

17. You can put the blame on me. Sorry for the pains that I made you experienced. So sorry for the wrong things that I have done. I’m sorry for not always there. If I don’t apologize for my wrong, then it’s a shame on me. Darling, once again, I’m sorry.

18. My love, my confidant. Please accept my sincere apology. Since you left, I feel like a major part of me is gone. I want you back. I want you here and beside me. Living without you is like hell. I’m so sorry for hurting you so badly.

19. Sweetheart, my tears beg for your forgiveness. My soul is asking for a place in your heart again. I can’t fathom life without love. You’re my treasure. You’re my pleasure.

20. Dear, I’m sorry that I got things off the handle. I over-reacted. Now I realize that the journey is too far to go without you. The path is too scary to walk without you. I’m convinced we are made for each other. Please forgive me.

Related Post: Sweet Love Messages for Your Lover

Romantic Apology Message for Her to Forgive You

Sometimes, it seems like affection and offenses cannot be completely separated. Those we love, feel more pain when we disappoint them.

In fact, the magnitude of the love we share determines the depth of the pain He/she feels. At such a time, a Romantic apology message for her, either for cheating, lying, or hurting her in any way, can be a bailout.

Let’s make something straight here,

An apology message to my love is not a tool of deception, rather, it is an expression of how sincerely sorry we are for causing a special person pain.

With a truly sorry heart, pick any of these well-structured romantic apology messages for her, to relieve her of the pain she feels and revive the love you share.

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21. Babe, I would be wrong to say I had not offended you. Please forgive me for the wrong things I did and said. I wish I can reverse the case and make things right. From deep in my heart, I’m so sorry.

22. Darling, I’m broken, and I can’t believe I caused you pain. Of a truth, I may never be able to make it up to you. But can you just allow me to try? Please accept my apology. I’m sorry.

23. You are the best I ever had, and I can’t stand to see you cry. Honey, can you just forgive me and let me see you smile again?

24. I know you are very upset at the moment. But can you just take a moment to think about those good days we had and the sweet memories we shared? Baby, can I remind you of our dreams and what the future holds for us? Please forgive me, darling, I will never make you sad again. Ever.

25. Obviously, I am very wrong and need to apologize for the trouble we’ve had. I hope we can get back to normal, and be as happy as ever. Please, forgive me.

26. Honey, I understand that things have been hard and I’m sorry I’ve not been showing you enough support. Please let’s forget what has happened and look forward to a brighter future. Please forgive me.

Apology Message To My Love For Hurting Her

27. I don’t even know how to express my apology to you for this great error. All I beg of you is to please forgive and forget my errors. Let’s start a new life of bliss as husband and wife. I love you.

28. Just a few days away, it dawned on me how incomplete my life is without you. Baby, I’m sorry for taking you for granted. Now I realize and I’ve learned my lesson. Can’t wait to have you back home. I’m sorry.

29. I know I’ve not been the true gentleman I promised to be, I’m sorry for not spending enough time with you. I promise to start taking the steps to be the man of your dreams. I’m sorry.

30. The way you’ve been putting up with my annoying habit is amazing. I promise to be a better person and I hope you will forgive me. I’m sorry, my love.

31. Baby, see my error as a small hiccup in our blissful and happy marriage. I’m sincerely sorry for my misbehavior. Please find a way to forgive and forget. I love you, and you know it’s true!

32. Darling, I want you to forgive me, not just because of my apology, but forgive me because of the love we shared. I can’t stand wasting a single moment spent with you fighting.

33. You mean everything to me, and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I’m so sorry I disappointed you. Please, forgive me.

34. I’m sincerely sorry for what I have done, baby, you are the only one for me, right now, I’m even feeling like you are too good for me. Please find a way to forgive me, and let me make it up to you.

Long Heart Touching Sorry Messages For Boyfriend copy And Paste

35. The word “sorry” sounds too small for this big mistake I’ve made. But believe me, I’m paying the price of my actions every single second I spend away from you. I can no longer stand having you out of my life. You may punish me, but please, don’t cast me away. I love you, and I’m sorry.

36. Honey, it is clear that you have decided to stay away from me. Baby, you have the right to do this because I’ve disappointed you. But can you give me one more chance and allow me into your heart again? I want to show you how sincerely sorry I am, and how desperately I love you.

37. Nothing seems right when we are not right. Please let’s come back to normal and enjoy the bliss of our marriage once again.

38. I can strongly feel how we grow apart, and it is tearing me apart. I admit that I am wrong and I apologize for the pain I caused. Please forgive me, and let’s be happy again.

39. Without you in my world, my heart wanders carelessly and I feel lost. In your arms I find comfort. Please accept me back home into your arms once again. I love you, and I’m sorry.

40. Honey, no level of pride could make me feel justified for my actions. I’m sorry I acted selfishly and unreasonably. I wish I was more sensitive. I promise to never allow this to happen again. I love you and cherish you. Please forgive me.

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Heart-touching Ways to Say Sorry For My Mistake Messages

A sincere apology requires true humility and vulnerability, admitting that you are wrong and ready for a change.

However, seeking forgiveness in marriage or relationship shows that you are brave and you value your relationship.

Hence, selecting from this list of apology text messages to ask for forgiveness, will not only reduce future offenses and resentment in your relationship, but will also soften the heart of the offended or partner, hasten the process of healing you desire, and rekindle the love in your relationship.

Here are several ways to send that ‘sorry for my mistake’ messages.

41. My love, you’ve been there all the way. You’ve been wonderful all this while. You are a treasure and a jewel. I’m so sorry for my mistake. I promise it would never happen again.

42. I have no justification for what happened. I wish I can undo my wrong without any trace of error, but the deed is done. Please pardon my excesses.

43. I know I’m not perfect, and I’m not pretending to be without any weakness. Forgive me, please.

44. Love and offenses co-exist. I offended you, but I love you. I’m sorry sweet.

45. Forgive me, dear. I wish I can love you without offending you. I’m offending you because I feel so free around you. I am learning to be careful while I’m recklessly in love with you.

46. I have made a terrible mistake with the person I care about the most, and I am terribly sorry. I am deeply ashamed of my wrong judgment and actions.

47. Dear, I am not only sorry for my mistake. I am also afraid of losing you. You mean so much to me. I can’t do without you beside me.

Samples of How To Apologize For Hurting Someone You Love Sincerely

48. For the times I hurt you, for the times I have lied to you, and for every other reason you’re angry with me. I’m afraid my apology may not mean much to you, but I promise to be a better person if I have another chance.

49. I’m so sorry, my Love. If you accept my apology, we can move on from being angry with each other to being naughty with each other.

50. I’m so sorry dear. I’ll wait a lifetime for you; if that’s what it will take to have you back.

51. I’m saying I’m sorry, even though I know that words are not enough to undo my mistakes; but I know that your heart can hear the message in my heart and find a place to forgive me.

52. I offended the person reading this text. I do sincerely want to make things right. Please, how do I go about it? I’m really confused and feeling lonely.

Sorry Message To My Love (Him or Her)

Thinking about how to apologize for hurting someone you love? These sorry message to my love will help you go about that.

Some are short, while some are long sorry messages for boyfriend/girlfriend, to show that you’re deeply sorry for hurting him or her.

53. I think I’m giving you a hard time. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. Please how do I make it up to you?

54. My heart is breaking as I type this. I have no excuse for my wrong. All I have to say is that you find a place to forgive me in your heart.

55. I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me for all that transpired. Hopefully, this would be one of those experiences that would make our bond stronger than ever.

56. I’m sorry, I have been so difficult. I over-reacted. I blew things up. I hurt you and I was insensitive. I accept all my mistakes and I hope you would see them as MISTAKES.

57. I’m sorry, I was not good enough. In the future, I’ll make it up to you. That is if there is a future.

58. I accept that I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. I hurt people. I do blow off the handle, but when I say SORRY, I actually mean it, and my whole being is saying SORRY for my mistakes.

59. I’m so sorry that I hurt you. I’m really sorry. More so, I need you to know that I love you, and I really do.

60. I’m sorry for being clingy, emotional, jealous, strange, unlovable, imperfect, and unreasonable. It’s difficult living without you.

61. Darling, with teary eyes and gloomy heart, I write to say I’m sorry. I hope you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive me. I love you, and I’ll always do.

Related Search: Powerful Prayer text messages

Best Way to Say Sorry in A Text for A Long Distance Relationship

One of the fastest ways to apologize is through text messages. Especially when the person offended is not within your four walls and in a long-distance relationship. Even in cases where your boyfriend, girlfriend, or whoever that is offended is only an arm’s length away from you, sending a “please forgive me, I’m so sorry” message can be heart-touching, emotional, strong, and irresistible.

You need not worry about how to say sorry to your boyfriend in a text. Okay, these messages are adaptive apology messages to my love, so they also show you how to say sorry to your girlfriend in a romantic way.

Provided below are the best ways to say sorry in a text, get forgiven, and get the love ball rolling again.

62. Darling, my heart aches when you get offended. My happiness becomes still when you’re not smiling. Make me happy once again by forgiving me. You are my forever love.

63. I feel inky darkness in my heart and a strong feeling of unworthiness roaming in my mind. You are all I have, all I want, and all I want to have. Please, forgive me. Please, my love.

64. Sweetheart, I am sorry. I am deeply and sincerely sorry. Forgive me, please.

65. Loving you is the best thing I ever and always enjoy; offending you is my worst experience and terrifying moment. Here is my apology message to the one my heart aches for. Forgive me, please.

66. For a beautiful soul like yours to be offended, it’s obvious I’ve gone overboard. I’m so sorry, dear. Pardon my mistakes.

67. Darling, I don’t want this to continue. I can’t bear this anymore. I am absolutely sorry. Accept my apology.

68. We step on each other’s toes, sometimes, unwillingly and mistakenly. I’ve stepped on your toes, and I can feel how hurting you are. Please forgive me, I promise to be more careful.

69. I’ll accept that I am not perfect, not as an excuse for my naughty attitudes. This is just another proof that I am human, prone to committing errors. Please forgive me.

70. I agree that I messed up again. There is no way I can justify this. All I can say is “I’m sorry.”

71. I wish I don’t have to say this, But I am sincerely sorry.

72. This is certainly not a time to explain myself. I am deeply sorry, darling.

73. ——————————- I’ve got nothing to say. I am sorry.

Related Post: Heart-touching romantic Words for Him or Her

Love and offenses co-exist.

You cannot have one without the other. When it’s all love, we feel elated; when it’s all offenses, we feel deflated.

However, in times of offenses, apology messages to my love from the heart can pump in some air into the deflated lovey-dovey feeling, and cause a jump-back to create another scene of lovely memories.

Go ahead; pick any of these I’m sorry SMS to get your love back into your arms.

You may add a little twist to it, and do it the old-school way; by sending any of these ‘heart touching apology messages to my love’ through a note, instead of through an SMS.

Plumcious | chrisawoyale2@gmail.com | chrisawoyale.com | + posts

Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.

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