50 Best Facebook Posts

The 50 Best Facebook Posts And Statuses To Get More Likes

Embark on a journey through the social media landscape as we unveil the ’50 Best Facebook Posts’ that captured hearts, sparked conversations, and left an indelible mark on the digital realm.

In this curated write-up, we traverse the vast and diverse world of Facebook, showcasing a tapestry of creativity, humor, inspiration, and profound moments that resonated with millions. From viral sensations to hidden gems, join us in reliving the magic of these posts that not only defined the social media experience but also reflect the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of our interconnected online lives.

Get ready for a captivating exploration of the most memorable, engaging, and share-worthy content that made waves across the Facebook universe!

When you log into Facebook, there’s a question box asking you “what’s on your mind?” Now, you want to write something interesting and captivating that will appear in the news feed of your Facebook friends. This article would also help you on this, as we have here some 50 best Facebook posts perfect for you.

50 Best Facebook Posts

Are you passionate about motivating and encouraging others through Facebook and other social media pages? In this article, there are over 50 inspirational quotes for Facebook status to help you achieve that easily.

Happy reading!

A Good Status For Facebook About Life

Putting up a good post on Facebook about life on your status is one good way to engage your readers. A good status is actually attractive and can draw the attention of a large number of followers when done consistently.

People have a lot of questions about life, and putting up a post on Facebook about life is sure to attract readers. Many people just want to read something that would help them, make them feel less agitated, and make them happy. Here’s part of our 50 best Facebook posts that talk about life.

1. Life in itself is an interesting journey, but many people do not find it so. Most times, it just takes being with the right people, and in the right environment to see life in this beautiful light.

2. Some people don’t have what happiness really is. It is not the absence of problems, but the ability to face them and deal with them.

3. Sometimes, we wonder about how cruel life is, and how people in the past have treated you wrongly. I know it hurts, but then, releasing the anger and forgiving them will work like magic in taking that pain away.

4. You are a beautiful, smart and intelligent person. You have all it takes to make the best out of life. Don’t let anyone tell you less!

5. I usually tell people, “Life is not as hard as it seems”; or rather, “life is not as difficult as people make it seem”. Just take one step at a time, and with focus, you will reach your goals.

6. I have a very simple and beautiful formula about life – ‘Never put wealth before health, otherwise, you’ll end up paying for health with wealth’. Live healthily!

7. Live is not all about winning battles, medals, and applause. I believe it is more about the little seeds of kindness and love that you sow in the life of others.

8. Do not be so hard on yourself. Loosen up a little; enjoy the little things you have. It will give you the strength to continue further.

9. Never, ever let fear stop you from doing what you want to do. Looking back, you will regret you didn’t take that step.

10. Do not for once think that everyone would be in support of your goals and ideas. If you are waiting for everyone to give you a go-ahead, you may never get that work or project done.

11. It’s safe to dream, I mean, dream big. But, I assure you this, it is much safer to work on those dreams and make them a reality. If not, they will get lost.

12. In life, you will come across different kinds of people. Some will stay around, some will move on. Just be sure that those around you are the right ones.

13. Life is all about making choices. I pray every day that I will make the right choices that I will always be proud of. I hope you do too.

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Best Facebook Post To Get Likes

Creating content and coming up with great ideas is not easy work. Getting likes, comments, and shares on Facebook is a result of good and beautiful content, done consistently and at the right timing.

Timing is important to get more engagement on your social media posts and statuses. Social media is used more at certain times of the day. This is the best time to target and make your post for a higher likelihood of engagement.

More so, the number of likes you’ll have has to do with the number of friends or foolowers you have. Nevertheless, using any of these lists of our best Facebook post to get likes will increase your post engagement.

Are you in need of a list of statuses that you can use to grow likes on every post on your status? Here’s what you need!

1. Just know that you can’t please everybody. Not everyone will support your goals and ideas. Just have a few real people around you.

2. Some people live in the past, thinking about their past failures, errors, and mistakes; you’ll never do better than the mistakes you are always thinking about.

3. Do you just feel like quitting? Well, there are a lot of people hoping you do. Don’t quit, you’ll soon get there.

4. Spend each day putting a smile on the faces of those around you. It seems a little act to you, but it is a lot to many people. You would not be forgotten easily.

5. Friends today can turn enemies tomorrow. It’s a fact. Know this simple truth and know peace.

6. Sometimes, you just have to look at the mirror, take a deep breath, and smile at the person you are looking at.

7. Be deliberate in all your actions. Take deliberate, intentional steps. Don’t underestimate people or ideas, also do not overestimate them.

8. I just love sitting under the night sky and thinking about nothing. That’s my way to unwind. What about yours?

9. Celebrate your small wins. Encourage yourself, you deserve it. You do not have to wait till you become a millionaire to do so.

10. Your age is simply the number of years those around you have felt your impact, or otherwise.

11. Don’t ever assume that what you have is too little to be something productive. Just begin. It will grow into that thing you’ve dreamed of someday.

12. Becoming your dream doesn’t just end in dreaming. If you let focus and discipline be at your fingertips, your dream will become a reality.

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Nice Words To Post On Facebook

Words are very powerful and can be used both positively and negatively. Words when used appropriately can refresh and motivate us. Things happen the other way when used inappropriately.

Words have the power to help us live intentionally. Filling our lives and even social media handles with positive words is a great way to keep us going.

There may be a particular area of your life that needs some motivation and inspiration. I’ve put together some nice words and short phrases to post on Facebook. Here we go;

1. Believe in yourself.

2. Don’t doubt your capacities and abilities.

3. Take action. Do it now!

4. Dare to be different.

5. Be resilient.

6. Be determined.

7. Focus. Don’t be distracted.

8. Forgive.

9. Attitude is everything.

10. Dream Big.

11. Be inspired. Be motivated.

12. Be strong, don’t give up.

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Facebook Status About Life And Love

The advent of social media has made it easy for people from different locations around the world to connect with each other. It has given us a platform to meet new people, connect with them, and affect their lives in various ways.

A good Facebook post can help inspire and encourage our Facebook network.

This write-up is a collection of uplifting messages that can serve as Facebook status about life and love. Anytime someone comes across such a relatable post to their feelings, it can serve as a great source of encouragement and comfort.

As your followers find your post engaging and relevant to them, they look forward for more post from you and even suggest others to follow you on several social media platforms.

1. Life is not all about having a large number of friends and fans. It is about the little ways you impact the lives of others.

2. As time goes on, a point comes in our lives that we have to make choices about whom we choose to love, and whom we choose to let go.

3. “Live life, love life.” Live life to the fullest; enjoy the company of those you love. Live happily, love freely.

4. Spend each day of your life spreading love and laughter. Endeavor to put a smile on the faces of those around you. You’ll be remembered even when you are no more around.

5. Learn to love yourself, to love your life. Stop working so hard to please other people at the expense of your happiness.

6. You don’t have the luxury of time in life to be angry and upset with people. It hurts, I know, but you will do yourself much good by forgiving others.

7. You don’t have to wait for the perfect time to take care and invest in yourself. Take out time from your busy schedule to shower yourself with some love.

8. “Life, love, and laughter.” Let your life be filled daily with love and laughter. Love for yourself and others.

9. Life isn’t about waiting for the perfect time to do things. Don’t wait for the rain to stop, enter it and enjoy the showers.

10. The simplest and most treasured things in life cannot be bought with money, – love, joy, laughter, a smile, family, and friends turned family.

11. Be yourself! You were never made or intended to be a replica of another person. Discover your uniqueness and enjoy every day living it.

12. Live your life one day at a time, and ensure you enjoy it each day. Focus on the good things. Face the challenges, they’ll be over before you know it.

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Funny Status For Facebook That Everyone Will Like

As many people say, “Life is stressful because there are so many things to think about.” A funny status on Facebook can be an antidote to someone’s sad day. Everyone needs some things to laugh about from time to time.

Humor is a tool that is used to distract us from the stress of the day. Spreading laughter on Facebook is appreciated by everyone, as people like to loosen up once in a while. Here is a list of funny statuses for Facebook that everyone will like.

1. Parents can be so funny. They think it is easy and always want you to get it always right. But they never did that good while growing up.

2. I bet everyone can relate to that awkward moment when you wave at someone and suddenly realize that it’s the wrong person.

3. Every girl out there wants to eat all the junk food she likes and never get fat. This, unfortunately, always remains a wish.

4. In Junior high school, we were told that the earth is spinning but we can feel it. Actually, right now, the earth is spinning to me.

5. If I had known better, I wouldn’t have rushed my childhood. I would have lived each moment before rushing into adulthood. I’m so tired of this adult life right now.

6. Who else can relate to that weird moment when someone rushes at you with greetings, hugs, and all, and you actually do not know the person. But nonetheless, you greet back.

7. People have often told me that I’m a weirdo. And the reason is simple. Everyone believes that relationships are most important in life. But for me, good food is my heartbeat.

8. ‘Do what makes you happy’ is the lie we’ve all been told from childhood. Please, engage in what will pay your bills. Money is also a source of Joy.

9. I couldn’t help laughing at myself last week. I was impatiently waiting for a reply from someone, only to realize I hadn’t sent a text in the first place.

10. Remember those days when our Parents always yelled, “Quit Facebook and face your books”. I’m now earning my living through Facebook.

11. I so so love the silence. I guess you didn’t notice I used a word twice.

12. Sometimes, I wish I can be like children. Just eat, sleep, play, look for trouble, and continue the cycle. I feel so stressed out.

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Motivational And Inspirational Quotes For Facebook


It can be hard to try to stay afloat in a very busy world with lots of expectations and pressure from people around you. Lack of motivation, love, and inspiration can lead to increased stress and pressure.

It is important for us to be a source of encouragement and inspiration to others. To make this easy for you, we have compiled a list of motivational and inspirational quotes for Facebook posts and statuses.

Filling your status with these beautiful quotes will surely attract likes, comments, and shares.

Below are parts of some 50 Inspirational Quotes for Facebook Status in this article.

1. Don’t ever assume that what you have is too little. Start with it. It will grow into something that you will become proud of someday.

2. Be deliberate in all your actions. Don’t underestimate or overestimate things.

3. It may not seem like you are doing much now. But I have this one thing to tell you, that with those little steps, your little will become much.

4. A popular quote says “a drop of water makes a mighty ocean”. I like to summarize this quote with the word perseverance. It may take time, but keep doing it. The results will surely come out.

5. Don’t be the type of person that is quick to give up. Don’t easily get discouraged. The end will always tell off your efforts.

6. Living a totally rosy life is not actually the best. It makes us incapable of many things. Facing and overcoming challenges is usually what makes us soft.

7. There is this thing about fear. It sets a limitation to what you can actually do. So ask yourself from time to time, “What would you do if you are not afraid?”

8. If you are always living in the past, thinking about your past failures and errors; you’ll never have the strength to push ahead and do something better in the future.

9. Don’t ever think you have every time by your side. Life is short, incredibly. Don’t waste time on irrelevant things.

10. Whenever you are in between two opinions, learn to do what is right. Never choose the wrong, no matter how tempting it may be.

11. Live every day to the fullest. Avoid procrastination. Don’t do what you are supposed to do today, tomorrow. And don’t do what you are supposed to do tomorrow, today.

12. Do not just fold your hand and wish for things to happen. You have to get to work. Dreams do not become realities by just wishing.

13. Learn to dream big. Try to think outside the box. Be creative. There is always more to what you can achieve.

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Facebook Motivational Status

1. Enthusiasm is a key ingredient needed in life. Convert your energy into achieving those useful dreams. Don’t be indifferent or lukewarm. You will never make a great impact that way.

2. Don’t let your ideas remain as thoughts. Do all that is possible to get it done. And of course, thank me later.

3. Dreaming alone would not make you successful. You have to put in the effort to make it happen. Good things happen with some level of effort.

4. Do not feel low about yourself anymore. You have all it takes to succeed.

5. Never feel so intimidated by anyone that you become afraid to express yourself. You are beautiful and unique in your own way. Never forget that.

6. Start with the little you have. Climb the stairs one step at a time. You will get to the top in no distant time.

7. Learn to be deliberate about your decisions. Do not just do things casually. Be intentional about every step that you take.

8. Ensure not to be indifferent about things. Do not always be on the fence, being indecisive. Learn to take your decisions and stand by them.

9. The best time may not be now. It may be tomorrow, next week, or next year. What is important is that the time is right.

10. How creative are you? Do you always want things to be done in conventional ways? Add spice to your life, please!

11. Live your life with confidence. Don’t always want the opinions of other people to align with yours. You are the main player in your game.

12. Be intentional about life. Live life with purpose. Have a checklist and ensure all the boxes are ticked at the end of the day.

13. Do not always wait for the perfect time before you do what you have to do. They may be no perfect time, just do it now that you have the chance.

Cute Status For Facebook

To make facebook interesting, your status uploads and posts should be attractive and meaningful.

Your Facebook status can be like a ‘book’. People can go read the content there to get inspiration and feel happy.

If you are looking for ideas and posts to upload on your status to make it attractive, we have something for you! We have put together beautiful content that will make your wall engaging.

1. Be conscious that you are in charge of your day. Don’t let anyone talk you down or reduce your energy. Take charge!

2. Do not feel pressured to be like anybody. Everyone is beautiful and unique in his or her own way. God surely made no mistakes.

3. Life has a simple formula: always do the right thing, at the right time, and in the right way.

4. Never be ashamed of your mistakes. As long as you learn from them, you are good to go. When you implement those lessons, you will become a better person.

5. Have the spirit of resilience! Successful people are not those that do not make mistakes. They are those who made mistakes but did not quit.

6. Actually, challenges are not bad things. They usually serve as stepping stones. We often have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days later on.

7. Beauty should not be judged only facially. It should be judged by the heart, by how beautiful or otherwise one is on the inside.

8. Learn to give love to others. Also, let yourself be loved by others. It is a simple formula that keeps life going.

9. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. It is better you make then, learn your lessons and correct them; than faking a perfect life.

10. Two things really quick – never let your failures get into your head, nor your success!

11. You will make it in life – if you let hard work and discipline become your watchword. Without the latter part, your success story may never be written.

12. Try to put on a smile each day. This does not mean you should mask your feelings if you are not happy. But of course, do not wear your problems on your face.

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Facebook Birthday Wishes For Friend

Thanks to technology, social media including Facebook has been integrated and is an important part of our social life. Through Facebook, people have met and made new friends, important relationships have been built.

Social media has made it easy for us to connect to each other, no matter the physical distance. So, on those special days of your Facebook friends, it is important to send a lovely message to celebrate with them.

Below is a list of Facebook birthday wishes for friends, and messages, to make your Facebook friends feel special on their birthdays.

1. Birthdays are special days that remind one of how special you are. I pray your birthday brings love and laughter throughout the New Year.

2. I remember how special you are every day, but on your birthday, it comes with so much force. I love you and wish you the best on this day.

3. I wish you lots of all love and joy on your birthday. You are such a special friend.

4. Happy birthday to one of the most wonderful persons I have been privileged to meet. You are more than a friend. I appreciate our friendship.

5. Thank you for being a wonderful friend and partner. Sometimes I wonder how boring my life would have been without you. Happy birthday and enjoy your day!

6. Wow, it’s your birthday again! One year seems so short. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming. Happy birthday, girlfriend.

7. Happy birthday, Friend. I hope you are enjoying your day. Thanks for all the help you have rendered me. I sure owe you a treat. Have fun today!

8. I hope you are enjoying your special day. May you always have reasons to smile this year. Thanks for all the love you’ve shown me. Cheers to a better year ahead!

9. You are genuinely worth celebrating every day. I am yet to come across someone with such a golden heart as yours. You deserve the best, and much more! Have the best of birthdays.

10. You are someone everyone would like to be around. Thanks for spreading warmth in the lives of those around you. Have a beautiful birthday.

11. I pray for you to have a birthday as beautiful as your heart. You are such a special person. Enjoy every moment of today. Happy birthday.

12. Happiest of birthdays to you. There are acquaintances, friends, and then there are special friends. You are a special friend indeed. Cheers to a great year!

I believe you found this post very useful. Now, you can no longer be at loss on how to make your Facebook status and page engaging and interesting on a daily basis with these 50 best Facebook posts and 50 inspirational quotes for Facebook status.

And of course, you don’t need to wait anymore. Simply copy and paste any of these on your “what’s on your mind” column or your status.

Mind you, this can also be used for WhatsApp statuses.

Plumcious | chrisawoyale2@gmail.com | chrisawoyale.com | + posts

Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.

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