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Powerful Miracle Prayer to Get A Job and Prayer for Success At Work (2025)

In the ever-evolving landscape of careers, the quest for that perfect job, the one that aligns with our passions and purpose, can sometimes feel like a formidable journey.

In this post, we embark on a spiritual odyssey, exploring the transformative potential of a miracle prayer designed to unlock doors of opportunity and guide you towards the career path destined for you. Whether you are in the midst of a job search, navigating career transitions, or seeking divine intervention in securing your dream position, join us in this sacred space of prayer and faith.

Together, let’s unravel the mysteries of manifestation and tap into miracle prayer to get a job to bring about the miraculous in our professional lives.

When God is ready to intervene on a matter, all things responsible for that matter are forced to be ready.

Peter had tried all his best to catch some fish but to no avail. When God got involved, he caught so many fish he couldn’t draw them out alone.

As you engage in this collection of miracle prayer to get a job, never doubt his marvelous power to do the impossible, and cause you to find a good job that would be an envy to others. Get set for testimonies as you pray this miracle prayer to get a job.

One Thing to Bear in Mind As You Pray For A Job


When praying miracle prayer to get a job, or for promotion, always bear in mind that God understands better and in His infinite wisdom knows the best deal for you. So, as you engage in prayer for employment breakthrough, let God be Lord over the situation.

Sometimes, some things might look great to us as humans with limited knowledge, but God, in His unlimited insight, knows that there are better options or ways available for us. The word says “there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end is the way of death”.

We must not be wise in our own eyes. While we pray to God, asking for what we want; it is important to maintain an open mind to receive the best he has in store for us. To be adamant about our desire is to stand to lose the best God is planning for us.

As the Bible has said, do not be wise in your own eyes, rather, trust the Lord and he will direct your path and the course of things to your advantage.

Permit me to remind you of the ‘faith of the three Hebrew guys’. They said, “We know that our God is able to save us, but peradventure he didn’t save us, we are still not going to bow”. That may sound like a double-minded prayer, but it’s not. It’s rather a prayer of faith in the sovereignty of God.

Were they thrown into the flaming fire? A capital yes! Did they burn? Miraculously, No! It turned out to be their promotion. When God is trusted without reservation, he always works things for our good, even though they may not go our way.

So, while you pray these miracle prayers to get a job, do not be adamant or think you know the best for yourself. Let him be God, and you’ll see things working out for your good. Remember, he already promised that his plans for you are of good and not of evil to bring you to an enviable end.

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Miracle Prayer to Get A Job You Applied For


If you have applied for a job, it means you’re doing all that you can to get a good job for yourself; and I want to assure you that God is also concerned about your need for a good job. He wants you well and desires that you live a comfortable life. He wants you to succeed in your career so that you can be a source of blessing to others and put smiles on their faces.

I’ll advise that you get a place to pray this prayer, where you’ll not be distracted and fully concentrate. Prayers have no guarantee of answer when not prayed wholeheartedly. Let’s go on with prayers to get a job you applied for.

1. Heavenly Father, I just applied for this job (mention company name), as a ( mention position applied for) and I want to commit it into your hands.

To the best of my knowledge, I consider it a great place to work, at least for this time. Therefore, I am praying that you make the selection process work in my favor. Cause everything to work for my good, so I’ll be selected among the many candidates that are applying for this job in the name of Jesus.

However, Lord, I know that you know the best for me. I do not want to be adamant about getting this job, therefore, if this is not the best choice you have for me, let your will alone be done. Order my steps to the right path and the best place. My hope is on you, and my faith is directed to you only. Have your way and take all the glory.

Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Related Post: Miracle Prayers that Work Instantly

Miracle Prayer to Get A Job After Interview


I believe you’ve gone for an interview and you want to take advantage of prayer to ensure that it turns out for your good.

Yes, I agree with you that it is important to say some powerful prayers to get the job after the interview. This is important so that God, who is the Almighty, can be working things together for your good.

Father Lord, thank you for the information about this job. I do not take it for granted. I also want to thank you for the favor of being invited for the interview, I believe that you made it possible.

More so, I am grateful for how you helped me in the course of the interview. Thank you for helping me to be calm and able to attempt the questions correctly to the best of my knowledge.

Lord Jesus, in areas where I had not done well to the expectation of the interviewer, I ask that your grace cover-up for my errors. Cause me to find favor in the sight of the examiner.

Father, I believe this is your will, as you have seen me through to this point of the recruitment process, I, therefore, pray that all things work together for my good. I declare myself favored by every means. Nothing would be able to hinder my employment in the name of Jesus.

I declare that I receive the job, and I’m glad to do it in the name of Jesus.

However, Lord, I commit everything into your hands. Let your will be done. Because I know that the plans you have for me are of good and not of evil to bring me to an expected end. I, therefore, commit everything concerning this job unto your hands that you take charge of it and let it turn out the way you want it.

Thank you, loving Father, in Jesus’ name I pray.

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Miracle Prayer for Permanent Employment

If my assumption is correct, you’ve probably been working in a place where you are a contract staff and may be laid off soon, or you need a more reliable Job that would help make your finances more stable. It could even be that you have no job currently.

Wherever you belong, everyone wants to be stable and desires to have a reliable source of income. As I join you in prayer, let’s believe God in prayer for permanent employment.

I’ll segment this prayer for permanent employment into two categories, make your prayers depending on which category you may belong.

• For casual or contract workers

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for this job. Yes, I am still a casual / contract worker, but I am grateful because there are lots of people out there who have no form of source of income. I am grateful for this Job.

However, Lord. I need a permanent job. Help me to be selected as a permanent staff in this organization. Help me to receive favor and find help in the selection process; so I can have a stable source of income to take care of my needs.

As I take steps towards my being selected as permanent staff, help me to take the right step, do the right thing, and react to everything along the process, rightly.

Thank you, Lord, because I believe that your will shall be done, and it shall all turn to testimonies. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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• Miracle Prayer for A Better Job

Sweet loving Father, I am so grateful for all you are doing in my life. I thank you for where you started with me and where you’re leading me to. Thank you for this Job. I do not take it for granted, and I do not despise it. However, I pray for a better job, that would help me live a better life.

Your word says we should ask and that you’ll give us our heart desires. You said you’ll not give us a snake when we ask for a fish.

Therefore, heavenly Father, I pray that my steps be ordered to the right job. Help me to be rightly positioned for a better paying job that will give me more time, and give me a sense of fulfillment. (Mention more reasons why you may need a better job).

Thank dear Father for answered prayer. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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Miracle Prayer to Save My Job


Having an issue at your workplace? Or the news has gotten to you that the management is making a plan to retrench some workers, and you’re afraid it might get to you?

Whatever the case may be, you have made the right choice to bring this to God in prayer. And I want to assure you, that if you’ll pray with faith in your heart, God, in His infinite wisdom, will intervene and ensure you have a testimony at the end of it all.

Let’s Pray.

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for this job. Thank you for making it available when I desperately needed one. I am grateful for how far you have helped me to this point on this job. Obviously, I have always been enjoying your grace.

Lord, I commit this job unto your hands. You provided it by your grace, and I know you’ll preserve it by your mercy.

I do not want to be laid off or lose my job. Intervene into this situation Lord. When all are saying there is a casting down; I want to say there is a lifting up for me. Miraculously, help me to save my job.

Touch the heart of everyone that may be necessary to preserve this job. For your word says the heart of the king is in your hands, and you direct it as you will. Lord, let this work out for my favor. Cause me to testify to your goodness and your wonder-working miraculous power in the name of Jesus.

Nevertheless, if by any means I lose this job; I’ll believe that it is because you have a better plan for me. Therefore, I am rest assured, that wherever things turn, it shall be for my good.

Thank you dear Lord for answered prayer. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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Prayer for A Job For A Friend


It is so thoughtful of you that you take it upon yourself to intercede for your friend in prayer for a job. You’re a friend indeed. I commend you for this, and I believe that this is a selfless prayer that God himself is interested in.

More so, prayer for a job for a friend is a way of contributing to their breakthrough and seeing to it that they have success in their career. This in turn will relieve you of carrying their financial burden always, and even put you in a position where you can be helped by them when needed.

Dear Lord, I thank you for your love and kindness over my life and that of my loved ones.

According to your word which says that we should pray for one another, I come before you today on behalf of my friend who needs a befitting job.

Lord, provide a good job for him (or her). Lead him to the right person, and places at the right time. Bring him to the awareness of available jobs. Cause him to meet those who can be of help to him towards getting a job.

By your divine power, direct his path. Cause him to find favor in the sight of all those who matter. Provide a miraculous job for him, so he can be happy and testify to your goodness and loving-kindness.

I believe you, Lord, because I know you’re a God that answers prayer. Thank you because you always hear when I pray. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Related Post: Prayers for Friends and Loved Ones

Miracle Prayer to Get A Job You Did Not Apply for

Is this possible? Yes, very possible! In fact, it is not only possible, it happens. We have heard several testimonies of such miraculous provision of job. The God who did it for them is still the God who will make yours happen.

Although it is important to point out that taking steps in the line of your faith and prayers is a necessity to answer prayers. As much as you can get a job you did not apply for, do not fold your hands and become passive, doing nothing to get a job.

Let people around be aware of your need for a job. Let them know your educational qualifications and the things you can do. If you have prior job experience, talk about it. Even if they may not have a job to offer you; they may be instrumental to your miracle job. Check the internet for vacancies that fit your qualifications, and apply for as many as you find interesting.

While that is understood, let’s pray this miracle prayer to get a job you did not apply for.

Dear Lord, thank you for your love and your supreme miraculous power. Thank you because before I ask, you know my heart desires.

I need a job, Lord. Today, I pray for the miraculous provision of Job.

I pray that your Holy Spirit guides me and lead me to the right places, and to meet the right persons. Help me to say the right word at the right time on the right occasion. Lead me to the place of my miracle job. Cause people to take it upon themselves until a miracle job comes my way.

This I believe you can do, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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Prayer for Success At Work and Promotion

Everyone wants to be successful in all ramifications. In fact, to some, career success is considered the most important, as their financial success is also tied to this.

It is therefore necessary that prayers be invested into our career to ensure that spiritual powers are invoked into this, to be guaranteed the needed success.

To this end, here are powerful prayer points for career success that should be prayed fervently and with faith.

1) Dear, Lord, Thank you for how far you have brought me and helped me in my career.

I appreciate you for all the good things you have brought my ways before now and presently. I know that you are set to do wonderful things in my career as I pray. I believe this because your word says that if I ask, I shall receive; and if I seek I shall find.

Today, as I decree in prayer, so shall I begin to experience success and progress in my career.

2) I come against every work of darkness against my career success. I command, that the hands of the evil ones be removed from my career path.

Satan, the word of the Lord says that I should rebuke you and that you shall flee from me, In that understanding, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I declare an end to all your plots and devices hindering my career success. I render ineffective, every manifestation of the devil affecting my career progress negatively.

Peradventure I’m under any curse or demonic influences, I set myself free from such now in the mighty name of Jesus.

The bible says, if the son of man shall set me free, I am free indeed. In that light, because I am set free by the blood of Jesus on the cross of calvary, I refuse to be held bound by any demonic influences and power.

Therefore, in my career, there shall be no limitations. I put an end to strongholds holding me back that want me to remain small in my career. You shall not prosper. In the name of Jesus Christ.

3) From today, I move forward and upward in my career. I declare success into my career and on all that I lay my hands upon.

No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. I am more than a conqueror. I break off from every form of limitations. My breakthrough is here.

My career, hear the word of the Lord. From henceforth, you shall grow, progress, and succeed.

Wherever my promotion is captured, I release you in the name of Jesus Christ. From now on, I begin to enjoy double and unhindered promotions.

Every promotion that has been delayed before now, I call them forth into manifestation. I also, decree that every wasted time shall be redeemed with amazing benefits.

All that has been lost are restored by the power of the Holy Ghost.

4) I declare that I have the wisdom to do all that I need to do, to experience promotions in quick successions and without any form of delay.

I make happen all that needs to happen for my career success. Everyone that needs to do one thing or the other is beginning to act in haste and without delay.

The angel of the Lord is quickening every process and stage of my promotion and benefits.

So shall it be in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer Points for Workplace


Of course, many things could demand special prayer points for your workplace. Even when there may be nothing specific that poses a danger in your workplace, making intentional prayers for the workplace is necessary to disarm the enemy and nullify his plans.

Starting every workday with prayer helps to bring yourself to the consciousness of God’s guidance, and pray for safety and favor in the workplace. Below are a few prayers points you can pray at your workplace.

1. Dear Father, as I set out for work today, help me to shine your light at the office and to be a source of encouragement to my co-workers and customers. I ask for the right words that will build other’s faith, make them a better person and give them hope.

Dear Lord, help me to be a source of blessing to everyone going through hard times. I declare peace in my workplace and I nullify every possibility of strife.

Guide us in everything that we do. Help to do all things the way they should be done. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

2. Father of Light, I depend on you for productivity and profitability. Help me and every member of this organization to be creative with our duties, so we can continuously do our job excellently. We come against every form of distraction that can cause us great loss. We ask that your Holy Spirit empowers us to without been stressed and in an atmosphere of peace and joy.

3. Dear Father, I pray in the name of Jesus, that today I am on top of my games. Help me to deal with every difficult situation and every annoying behavior from my colleague the right way. I pray that my emotion does not lead me into error, but that I’ll be controlled by the indwelling of your peaceful Holy Spirit.

Help me to work with a team spirit. Help us all to work in love and unity of mind. I pray that we are able to conquer every form of jealousy and unnecessary competition that may lead to strife. Instead, cause every one of us to be challenge to do good and be more efficient at what we do; so our productivity may increase.

4. Today, I pray for a beautiful relationship that matters in my career progress. My paths are ordered and my ways are orchestrated by your Holy Spirit. Let your word be a light unto my path and light unto my feet. Cause things to work together for my good and towards the progress of this organization.

5. Today, we have the right kind of clients. They hear about us from several places. They are willing to do business with us. We have profitable deals and amazing contracts coming in for us. We are preferred above all our competitors in the market, and we are striking profitable deals without stress.

6. Thank you, Lord, for answering these prayers. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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If you have prayed these miracle prayers to get a job, preserve your job, or get a promotion, you can rest assured that God answers prayer; and he’ll surely attend to the prayers you have prayed by faith.

I’ll be waiting to receive your testimonies.


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Christopher is a well sought-after writer, speaker and life coach, helping many people to enjoy a better life in all endeavors. He speaks and writes on subjects concerning spiritual, relationship, career and finances.

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